More about me and people that I love~ (stolen from an awesome person that loves to love me down AKA zicobomb)



1: Real (first) Name? Jenna

2: Current crush!? Hmm.... You~ ;) *shot*

3: Addiction? Food~

4: How tall am I? 163 cm *coughshortcough*

5: Relationship status? Single and possibly forever alone... Might become a nun.

6: Girls I trust? These chicks I call my friends? *blinks*

7: Boys I trust? Those bros that I put before hoes? *blinks x2*

9: Current mood? Giggly and weird

10: how many followers on tumblr? I dunno

11: Confession: I am possibly the scariest person you will meet when it is THAT time of the month >.>

12: Who I miss? my hubby (not real hubby lol) Jake

13: Who I last hugged? I think it was either Daniella or Ryder...

14: Who understands me? My best friend Natalie~

15: Someone who is always there for me: The woman who gave birth to me~ *winks*

16: Last Text? Jake... or Maryssa... or Cody. It was one of them *shrugs*

17: someone you cry to? I usually cry to Natalie, Daniella, or Jake.

18: Who makes me laugh the most? Ryder and Jake always know how to make me laugh~

19: Who I do the craziest stuff with? Daniella and Natalie XD

20: Who makes me smile? Jake~

21: What am i listening to? Chris Brown - Strip~

22: Turn on’s? Pecking on my lips~

23: Turn offs? Awkwardness *cough cough*

24. Best friends? Natalie, Jake, Daniella, and Ryder

25: Second confession? I get along really well with girls, but since I am bi they tend to not like me very much.

27: What I hate? When people have to prove me wrong all the time...

28: Last person to give you butterflies? Jake~




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zicobomb 11 years ago
awww, look at you!
this was cute t.t
/i love to love you down,
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