T.O.P Rushed To The Hospital?

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T.O.P Rushed To The Hospital?

Netizens are in a rush of speculation, with rumors of T.O.P’s injury circulating online. A recent photo has been spotted all over the internet with the saying of Big Bang‘s T.O.P being rushed to the hospital. The cause of the hospital visit was due to a possible slipped disk in his neck which if not treated quickly could lead to extremely unfortunate consequences for the rapper. According to the picture if this disk is not fixed quickly and accurately it could lead to paralysis. Nothing has been confirmed yet for the rapper, but V.I.Ps are already rushing to the aid of T.O.P through the internet and other social media sites. It is also rumored that T.O.P will not be attending his VIP premiere of his new movie Alumni due to the injury. A slipped disk or slipped spinal column usually isn’t a big deal, but if in the right spot could puncture a nerve in the spine which is what would lead to the paralysis if not treated correctly. Usually though with these types of injury it can be quickly fixed and with rest can be completely recovered from within 4-6 weeks. Hopefully an official statement either way will be issued soon.



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ExoticM 11 years ago
MajoraTwilight 11 years ago
Oh no that doesn't sound good :( I'm not a VIP but I hope he will be okay.
twilightsdawn 11 years ago
I'm not a V.I.P. but that's awful! I hope he's ok. :(
Eternal_Maknae 11 years ago
..That's scary!
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