Job rant


tldr; I honestly just don't want to work. I'm lazy. I just need to rant and organize my thoughts



I tell people, I love my clients. I hate my job. My job will absolutely expose you to the worse of mental illness at times and most of the time, it's not the patients. It's the family. I'm basically a travelling counselor. The beginning of the pandemic, our job reluctantly allowed us to do Teleheath/Telepsych with patients because if they closed the doors it's considered client abandonment. I have to give props to the execs for giving themselves a pay cut so the doors wouldn't close.

After about 9 months of hybrid field/telehealth they kicked us back permanently in the field. I appreciate that it's a perk (God, it shouldn't even be a perk) to remotely contact people because of retail workers having to be face to face with hundreds of people on a daily basis. 

 I live in the worse hit state for Covid. They told us if positivity hits 13% that we can do telehealth. They then said insurance don't like us doing telehealth. The case positivity was around 20% last month. The number been going down but we had a lot of staff going into quarantine because we had a lot of clients catching the rona. So my office was basically doing telehealth anyways since my job only pays if you develop Covid.

Honestly, the only reason why I'm with my job is that the pay and benefits is excellent for my field and I'm largely unsupervised. Long as I'm not being grossly neglectful they won't fire me. Actually, they won't fire me because literally no one wants my job. I've seen my position being open for nearly a year before.




My biggest rant is a hurricane is going to hit my area tomorrow and they're now telling us to work from home. Uh-uh, what happened to insurance don't like it? This is going to affect around 4/5 offices and I know at least 3 will be without power for a few day. If they're lucky. (Don't worry about me, I'm safely evacuated. Pray for my dresses though) I'm still pissed from last year hurricane when I was sitting without power and instead of them saying 'take the day off' they asked if we can call clients to see if they're alright. I understand the concerns, clients come first but how we're going to call clients WITH NO ELECTRICITY?!!! Or see clients when there's downed powerlines and trees everywhere?


I simply hate working because the business comes first. Especially with some mental health agencies, they basically say the worker and put their lives in danger. I've told my boss before they sense us out in mental health emergencies where most CPS workers wouldn't go without the poilice. I know a lot of people are calling for police to send social workers instead of police officers to a mental health emergency. A lot of times, I can sit and calm a client down but there are clients who will literally beat the out of you if you go without police protection. Hell, I went to a client home and they ran inside to get a shotgun. I left immediately. 

My job still tried to convince me to go see them because 'they're sick and that's when they most need our services' 

Nope. We can't fire clients unlike private practice clinicians. Buuut I like living. Borderline like some days, but I generally don't want to die in the middle of nowhere. 


I finally got it all off my chest. If a Therapist work inpatient rehab/private practice/ or Intensive Outpatient Rehab. At least you can dismiss a client and is in more secure settings. 


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kitramos 3 years ago
well I was against the whole send social workers instead of police thing from the start or the dismantle/defund part. I thought it should of been obvious that is not going to end well.

I can only imagine the horrors you've had to deal with. and fully agree you need to look out for yourself first.
As it may be true those people are most in need of those services, it is also true that if you get injured or worse attempting to provide them then it really defeats the purpose. Plus your life is not any less important then theirs so I fully agree if there's not a safe way to get to and deal with them then you shouldn't be expected to regardless of what your job is.
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