answer me this ( and don’t come with the hate cause i’m taking screenshots)


i have a few questions for the masses; 

why is everyone against playing married faceclaims? this is literally a site based on fiction so that really confuses me. you guys will accept mythical creatures and altering ages and even giving out fictional mental illnesses but married people is a big no? 


why is it every id year the minimum ages get higher and higher? like i get it no one wants minors around certain themes but all rps are not like that and it's just not fair cause some people are literally 18 or 19 and being forced to portray 20 or 21 year olds like am i missing something or did the meaning of minor change? i felt better personally when rps banned certain things and demanded respect for those under 20 like "face claims under 19 aren't allowed to blah blah" and like actually enforced mature stuff being in personal pms. cause let's be honest technically speaking 18 and 19 is literally legal in most countries like the age of majority is literally 18 now anything under that is just unacceptable but let's talk about why this keeps changing


why are we still canceling people over things that happened years ago. if you all are as grown as you claim to be shouldnt you move on and forgive already? the whole getting people "black listed" just because they didn't mesh with you is quite childish if you ask me. now don't get me wrong, bullies or people who literally go around provoking people or blatantly being rude i can understand those but also at the same time why don't we give people the benefit of doubt and a few years later see if they're still the same "problematic" person they were before? i truly don't understand that 

why is it everyone wants active people, wants active places yet do nothing to make or keep rps active i get it everyone has a life and things change all the time but come on the same things everyone complains about are the very same things they can all fix themselves. 

another thing i don't understand is why you people who have been here for over 5 years are not willing to help new people and instead ostracize them and make a joke out of them being new and not oriented to the site yet. that has to be one of the most disgusting things about this site and you people wonder why you see the same 10 people joining rps and taking all your favorite face claims. 


anywho let's be civil and talk about these things if you can't understand this is a safe blog for open dialog then don't comment simple as that 


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hologram 2 years ago
the married rule has never been any sense when we’re already pretending to be people that we’re not. people will use the bogus respect excuse which makes even less sense since you’re basically saying only people who are married deserve respect and if you’re not married your relationship isn’t real or doesn’t matter.

the age thing is hilarious considering half the people on here used knowingly let their characters get into relationships with others they know had a roleplayer that was under 18. you won’t see anyone admit that though and they’ll pretend it never happened.

people pick and choose who they let get away with certain things and who gets to be forgiven based on whether or not they feel like that person is similar enough to them. if your friend or someone who acts like you does something they get to be forgiven but someone who isn’t your friend or doesn’t seem fairly similar to you does something they get slandered and talked and intentionally excluded. for some reason it’s not common for people on here to have civil discussions and conversations they just choose to be immature and resort to exiling and blocking people.

this place has pretty much just become a site full of exclusive cliques and friend groups. people will wonder why places don’t last or stay active long but then won’t join a place that isn’t created by a popular user or one of their friends. then at the same time will constantly ask why x/y/z type of roleplay doesn’t exist when it does or has they just don’t join it because the creator isn’t one of their friends or popular. on some rare occasions they may let select people in but for some insane reason people like to pretend they were never new to this site and came out of the womb an expert on roleplaying. that’s also what has contributed to the decline and lack of activity on here along with people simply growing up and losing interest.

i’m surprised that this place still has the amount of activity it does although it’s typically the same people and groups of friends with a huge lack of diversity. i only get on here from time to time to see how active it is and if it’s still full of the same things which is to no surprise it is.
Kaworu 2 years ago
I don't get the married thing either. Married actors and actresses date and kiss other people all the time on-screen, how is it different from rping them dating someone else? Maybe it makes sense in non-aus, but in aus it's just ????? It's a character, just like a movie!
As for the age I think it's to make sure the characters won't be minors anywhere. The legal age in Japan is 20, we see a lot of Japanese fcs around. Also not everyone understands very well how Korean age works and I think it causes some confusion.
baby-groot 2 years ago


You have some really good points. I only have personal list of people I don’t engage with or have limited engagement with. People change only when they want to change and for who they want to change for.

Love reading everyone else’s opinions though.
Sugarly 2 years ago
All shade no brightness
This cancel culture account is dumb and cowardly.
Yeah yeah it's not a cute look

It's a bit insensitive since most people on here are only trying to get into a relationship. Sometimes people join separately and force the other person into a relationship based on their irl status. That's really uncomfortable.

Age is serious and people ualize minors all the time that's ing gross. In Korea age of consent is 20
So that's when adults aren't considered a child anymore.

Number two, i don't give a how much someone has changed. Once you leave a bad taste in my mouth i dont want to deal with you or the new you. Find literally anywhere else. Cause i tried to get to know you and you did this and now im not interested. I'm not one for so many chances

Now new people on rpr is joke cause most of them come from serious rp backgrounds like Twitter or Facebook even discord while most of rpr came from aff which grew into a crack house. I make fun of new people on rpr all the time cause they could choose a significantly better place cause sis this is not it. This is not the site we're dying let it die. Plus lately some new people have HARASSED people to rp weird topics like daddy daughter roleplays in pms like no that's not how we get down. Some of them don't follow the steps to apply and get frustrated over it as well telling admins to "just accept and let me in" as they post the whole rules and application in their comment replies and still complain. there's a set up for a reason. Read the rules and you'll find the password. I saw someone struggle for 3 days going back and forth with admins before they gave up.
tsukispookie 2 years ago
For the married thing I really don't care whether or not they are. If I say no to it it's because I'm a coadmin and its not my rule.

With the blacklisting thing. I would hope that most people have it because the people on the list continue to make the same offense. Or they've done something so unforgivable that it causes the admin and other roleplayers discomfort. For example, there is an rper who is known to ually harass all the girls in rps. Has forced p*rn onto multiple people they were interested in (I found out over time from different people that they had the same experience). They get a new account each time in hopes nobody would notice, but since their actions never change, they get removed rather quickly. Stuff like that get people blacklisted from my rps and others too (which I won't be creating anymore since I'm bouncing real soon).

Regarding the age for rps. I used to not understand either. But now that, people who are 18/19 on rpr pointed out, its kind of creepy when people wait til an idol is no longer a minor. And then they start overly ualizing them. The instant they turn 18. Personally I didn't notice people were doing this until it was pointed out, thus my rps made rated content 20+ to avoid that risk. It's kind of icky thinking about how someone is just waiting for the moment for a minor to longer be one in order to do rated acts. And I think a lot of people will agree with that too.
[comment deleted by owner]
Jokers_harley 2 years ago
I remember I once made a blog similar to yours with similar questions, at that time people were so hostile, and I didn’t get any constructive comments, but I was called ignorant among other thing XD

I’m glad to see people actually agreeing with your blog and even some try to answer :)
ickyriki 2 years ago
The reasoning i usually get told for no married face claims is out of respect for their partners. Now, i typically don't understand (but at the same i do?) this one because if we were really talking about respect no one would be rping in the first place or rping and what not.
The 19+ or 20+ age requirement is bc of the age of consent in korea is like 20(?) I believe, or at least it was when i last searched it. So for korean face claims specifically i usually say 20+. Though yes the age consent is different in most places, even most stayes givin you live in the US.
But the rest, i have no clue. Nowadays i just stick to like 1 or 2 rps, I'm more reclused than i ever have been since joining this site and my friend group is small.
DNABleached 2 years ago
say it louder for the people in the back.. i've been talking to friends about pretty much all this same stuff lately.
especially the "cancelling" of people - as if people can't and don't change themselves, and active places thing. the amount of times someone brings out an awesome sounding rp i work hard on a profile just for everyone to one week later move onto the next new hot rp is starting to drive me bat crazy.

i keep getting reminded of why i left this place for a year or so, and sometimes it's tempting to do it again.
cthuwu 2 years ago
All of this is why I’ve been falling out of the habit of coming onto rpr
63d328e4d30a2b03325e 2 years ago
Finally someone said it.
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