So lucky.


To all the comments under Dispatch's blog,

Don't you think you're so lucky that Dispatch didn't decide to leak your privacy?

If you thought those screenshots were bad, you clearly haven't stopped to think about yourselves.

Some nasty words were said in the comments of Dispatch's blog.

Those words haven't been taken back. Why?

Aren't you embarrassed to believe an anonymous account over your friend that was called out? That you couldn't even wait for an explanation before saying these users were 'disgusting'? 

Now, if I were to be wrongfully accused with horrible screenshots, and people began commenting lame insults to me,

I would expect an apology. Wouldn't you?

And receiving an apology is the least someone deserves after making it clear that their privacy was breached and the screenshots were manipulated. Even if "those words got said".

And I'm not talking about some half-assed apology that you wrote up once you saw your friends agreeing with the accused users.

Nor am I talking about a guilty apology that you copied off of once you saw a well-known user defend them.

What is actually embarrassing is that the community of RPR cannot own up to their own mistakes and would rather move on with their day. It's even more embarrassing that you would try to kiss up to one of the accused users, like you didn't bash on them the day before.

Seems like I'm the only one with sympathy.


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soompi [A] 2 years ago

No sympathy.
soompi [A] 2 years ago
So funny. You're tired of the drama now? Sorry, I should've provided some tea for you. Heard you eat that up real fast.

Glad we've established that no one cares about justice.
tangerines 2 years ago
this is getting too much
just get over it
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