Dear Saigon & Friends,

Status [M]

disclaimer: we’re only posting this because we found this out recently. 

context: rice = kolorhado. please read the screenshots in the two links below before reading further.

note: rice has given his consent to share the screenshots of the pm between him and saigon.

++ further proof that rice has vouched for saigon because he trusted her as a friend, before this crap fest happened.

What did you intend to do by showing your friend our friends-only rp? What was your intention of snooping in the first place? Were you really /just/ nosy? Why is it your place to judge? How did this help your ‘victims’? If your intention was justice, why play it out like this? Why through anonymous accounts? If you wanted to “start a conversation”, you couldn’t have done it any other way? 

you’ve rejected my friend request twice— so don’t try to blame it on us and say that we didn’t try to be civil and settle things privately, especially since you couldn’t extend the same courtesy towards us.

would you have apologised if rice hadn’t confronted you? you know how this “drama” started but you can’t even reach out to tell him yourself to say that you’re sorry for letting others see our friends-only rp. that you’re sorry for letting others twist the facts to fit into a narrative, to villainise us. and when he did confront you, you couldn’t even muster a simple apology; you started pointing fingers, pushing the blame on others. jbc you didn’t write the blogs? you’re complicit in this situation, so don’t you think you’re equally responsible? and frankly speaking, after you’ve betrayed rice’s trust, how are we suppose to believe your words? you could claim you’re not the one writing the blogs. you could claim your friend isn’t the one writing the blogs. but you could be lying. 

you called him aggressive, yet, notice how he didn’t bash you? call you out in public? drop a hate blog? do you know what the first thing he did was? to tell his friends he’s sorry. he tried getting answers in private, but all you did was talk him down. no matter how you word it, ultimately by your way of conduct, you enabled so much information that was privy to the friend’s only rp itself. saigon, you weren’t part of the rp, you were not part of the safe space. regardless of your intentions to ONLY show your friend how we “wronged” others, you’re still responsible for the breaching and release of private information. no matter how you skew the narrative, don’t you think we deserve a proper answer? you say you don’t feel sorry for doing something that felt right in the moment, do you still feel justified for doing so? and if yes, why?

i hope it was worth protecting the anonymous group of people behind this show. i hope it was worth throwing a friend under the bus. i hope it was worth all the hypocrisy. because thanks to you and your friends, my friends and i have not had peace for a week. and none of you in your group has had the decency to at least apologise sincerely. you could put our usernames in bold when you accused us, but you can’t spell our usernames out in your insincere apology blog— calling us “heartattack admins” as if you didn’t single us out one by one for people to throw unwarranted hate at. if you want to preach about being appropriate and wtv, please, check on yourself first. we had to suffer the backlash because you were claiming moral high grounds, you never once thought of the repercussions. and why? because you know you’re safe, hidden behind anonymous accounts. so if you think you did something “good”, something “right”, something “kind” by selectively leaking our private conversations, think again— you just proved that rpr isn’t safe because of people like you and your friends. because while you and your friends were laughing in rps, having fun with every other user, my friends and i had to fight for ourselves, fight to clear our names, bear the unnecessary hate.

if you think you could get away after hurting our friend; calling him toxic, invalidating his anger and his hurt, suppressing him by putting yourself on a higher pedestal, painting him out to be a horrible person, you’re wrong. you’re nothing but a coward and a bad friend. under the guise of “justice”, all you and your group have done thus far is frame others, stir up our anxiety, defame and slander us. personally, i feel like that’s a bit of a ed up understanding of the word “justice”. don’t you?

we hope this is the last blog we have to put out because we’ve exhausted all methods to find our answers. honestly, we’re all tired and want this to be over, but unless we can get some answers, there will be no closure.  

saigon/ moderato/ pleuvoir/ honeymoon/ watermelonpowa, if you truly think you’re right, i hope this time you won’t delete your account and run away like you usually do, only to come back a few months later under a new username.

fushiguro, kolorhado, angelcode, exhales-, icedpeachtea, notzeroAone/coward

*these are screenshots taken over the past week, to show the kind of blogs dispatch/koreaboos have published, and how these posts have blighted our rpr experience

for those confused, here's our explanation blogs with FULL screenshots.


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floraison 2 years ago
Why does one of those usernames look familiar. Like a s h r i m p. *traumatic warflash backs*
suguru 2 years ago
hey, me again lolol

i was looking back at the some of the screenshots and found it a bit strange at the way saigon was talking to kolorhado (example: " at me all you want", "go ahead and and complain", "i could give two s") and then turn around and make herself the victim.

also, she is choosing to protect her friends who are not even coming to her in her defense and letting her take all the heat. everything about this situation on her end keeps leaving questions and i don't wanna assume and jump to conclusions as to why i think she's deflecting.

this will be the last time comment since i don't spam/clog your comments. i do hope by some magical way you guys find closure.
kolorhado 2 years ago
ur ing kidding me bruv lol this is exactly y i said i give up. im j here for 1 final statement bc shes still accusing me (n my friends) n victimising herself.

#1: idk what happened in the past. n u said so urself that idk u personally or whtv so y suddenly jump on me n accuse me for sharing ur hurtful past lol i know nuffin ab it. even if i did, i dont see how its relevant to us wanting our answers so i dont hv to bring it up. once again, thanks for proving how ur a ty friend to me. multiple users here know ur pattern of deleting accs n creating a new one a few months later. so ur j spilling personal trauma out here n accusing me for doing i didnt do.

#2: i didnt hack to pm u. i hv ur wall post on my ooc wall, thats how i managed to send a priv msg bc i didnt want others to see our convo, in case u might not b the little blue bird. ur here accusing me again that if we wanted this to b settled in priv, i shld hv told fuku some "hack" that i dont even know ab. ive not spoken to my friends for the last 2 days bc idk how to face them lol only fuku has been updating me bc hes a personal friend, n i trust his decisions completely. ik he wont b aggressive n he wld b able to get our points across as nicely as possible. so b4 trying to point fingers at him, u shld rly compare the hate that we got n the ugly blogs written ab us. this is nuffin compared to those. u also kept insisting im the only one involved as if u didnt see dispatch bold their names for ppl to drag thru dirt.

#3: i didnt continue our pms bc its clear that im talking to a wall. i had to apologise under duress bc despite me trying to find answers in priv, u kept pointing fingers at me n saying i deserve it (not word for word, but basically what uve been saying to me sounds like this: im sorry this happened but u deserved it bc of my beliefs. u might not share the same morals as me but idc ur still wrong. ur hurt but u shldnt hv done what u did in the first place. i didnt write the blogs so dont blame me its ur fault for not thinking like me). n ive alrdy expressed that im hurt. the more i think ab it, the angrier i get bc this happened over a span of 3-5 days n ur saying u did tell em to stop the blogs. were u even trying to stop the blogs lol. i defended ur name when my friends were listing possible suspects, not once, but frm the very first day n up til dispatch deleted their acc. wheres the same energy for me? ur out here defending a friend whos part of throwing false allegations at me n my friend in public. but u cldnt even tell me in priv that its bc of u that my friends had to be dragged into this too. i hear u say im the main culprit or whtv, ur rly j ignoring the fact that my friends got implicated too n thats what im so angry ab. im not even allowed to feel hurt when i was confronting u? i nvr once said me n my friends were victims but in the pms u were all "i wouldnt rly name u guys as the only victims"???? the pm convo with u frustrated me so much i decided to stop b4 things escalate. every single time i try to get answers, bring points up, u shoot me down n i felt invalidated. n ur in my pms calling me toxic simply for wanting answers????? i hv nuffin more to say. im j grateful my friends didnt do anything rash or u wld j point fingers at em n call em aggressive when all theyre doing is defending me, as good real friends shld.

so b4 u wna defend urself saying kali this kali that. i was the one who trust fuku 100%. i dont see how hes trying to make u out as the bad guy. these r j facts. i was the one who said i give up bc i truly dont know what to do anymore to find closure. i was the one who stepped away frm the situation bc i felt hurt n i didnt want my emotions to worsen the problem further. u assumed the worst in me, im allowed to no longer want to talk to u. dont flip this on me n my friends.

tldr: i didnt snitch on anything, idk anything ab saigon’s past issues with acc deleting etc. fuku is speaking on behalf of all of us n trying to get closure for us. i hv no issues with that, i trust him n his decisions. i stopped the pm convo bc it was like talking to a wall n im too upset to b involved in this so im putting myself away to avoid creating more issues.
glizzy_mcguire 2 years ago
yas cmon typos give us nothing
you know what i meant
glizzy_mcguire 2 years ago
I haven’t made a comment thus far bcs it’s not my business at all. just like it’s not anyone else’s business besides the parties but since you opening the window of opportunity and gave us personal, I would like to say something.

I ed up too. I did something i wasn’t proud of and owned up to it. it’s okay to up but when you do , you have to own up to ALL of if even if it makes you look like a bad person.

you cannot sit and say “i owned up to everything I did but please don’t blame me” it’s started with you. you were the one who had the access you’re the one who spread it to your one friend. that’s like when a rumor starts and the words get twisted by the 10th person- they’re all at fault for spreading the rumor but the blame is and should be held on the one that starts it. you cannot sit and say you feel sorry to them while also pointing fingers at them because they exposed the fact it started with you. THIS got out of hand so quick and for no reason really.

“I didn’t intend for this to get out of hand. I only showed the one person” regardless of your intent, it did. you saw what was said before everyone else so when those ss leaked before the names did why did you not say anything? why didn’t you warn your friend? i know who am I to be talking about what a friend should or shouldn’t do, but seriously, you sat back and watched it unfold. You are an accomplice and you helped them ‘expose’ (but not really because there was nothing really to expose) your supposed friends.

When a friend does something you dont like, you get on their and you demand wtf is happening for them to act a way. you don’t spread it around to another group of friends. it’s hypocritical to say “you shouldn’t talk about people behind their backs” while you did the same but to your friend.

All of these paragraphs are you trying to save face. which is fine. you don’t wanna be labeled the bad guy but in this scenario, in this story TO THEM, you are. You can absolutely up. You admit your wrongs , you apologize and learn yes. But you don’t say “sorry but” and that’s all your apology is really. saying youre sorry but still trying to justify what you did doesnt work. it’s a contradictory to your apology.

and if I’m being frank, if i were in their shoes I wouldn’t accept your apology either. not because i think you’re some vile person because I’m sure in your head you meant well, but because despite all this and the fact you were a friend and betrayed that trust, you still protect the name of the person who may have shared the information with other people. You are not helping solve the mess YOU created when you snooped through someone else’s business- that someone being a friend - and that’s where the insincere feeling comes from and why the apology seems hallow.

people have lost friends , people have been doxxed ( because they shared their personal info there AND YOU still shared their business ) and have left them feeling unsafe - you say sorry but are you really that sorry or are you sorry because they were able to narrow it down to you and confronted you about it? because based off what you said, it doesn’t seem like you were going to say anything at all.

also, no, i don’t believe you wrote the blogs. I don’t think anyone believes you wrote the blogs and I don’t believe your friend wrote it either. but you have to have a connection to who did. whether its your friends friend or a friend of your friends friend. at the end of the day, it’s started with you and your inability to confront others. this could’ve been avoided had you done something differently. you know that though but you refuse to be the person at blame when you are the core person to blame. you may not have wrote the blog but how were the blogs able to be written anyways? in law when someone hires a hit man and the hit man takes someone out - yes the hit man murdered the victim but the person who hired the hit man is at fault too and if caught they’re both seen as guilty.

again, I personally don’t think you’re a bad person. you up and you learn. but idk these apologies and trying to scramble away from taking full responsibility from your part because you don’t wanna be the bad guy is not great lolol.
credits 2 years ago
"i'm not a vile and horrible person, all i did was snoop into someone's friends only rp and tattle on them to my friend, /then/ i gave my friend my pw so they can also see into the friends only rp Even Though It's A Friends Only Rp. /then/ my friend took screenshots and sent them to their own group of friends, but i technically had no part in dispatch's blogs so i am not at fault lol" — this is how saigon sounds like. otherwise i also just want to know who else is behind the anon accts so this group can have closure.

ps, saying "just because i was a bad friend doesn't mean he had to do the same to me" is so hypocritical of you. it doesn't even seem like he betrayed you like how youre accusing him of doing so anyways
fushiguro [A] 2 years ago
*i will not be replying to saigon’s comments for the simple fact that i will only be seen as speaking from a place of bias, and for the simple fact that i want to reiterate the purpose of this blog.

1.) this blog is not only directed to saigon, but her friend and the anonymous group behind the accounts “dispatch” and “koreaboos”.
/i/ did not paint her out to be a vile person. these are facts collected over the past week. these are points written down from observations. painting someone out to be a bad person would be what dispatch and koreaboos were doing— refer to the screenshots provided. there’s no accusations directed at saigon here. anything i’ve said is further backed by screenshots of the pm between her and rice.

2.) the unanswered questions we seek are clearly stated in the first paragraph. these are the questions rice was unable to get from the private conversation between him and saigon. i’ve also mentioned that we’ve *exhausted all methods to find answers*. again and again, we’ve repeated and explained that we want to know who the rest of the group are and that we won’t be able to get closure without this knowledge. the assumption here is that we will publicly bash this anonymous group. i’d say this now— they could come forward and settle this in private. this blog is to hopefully reach those responsible for the unwarranted hate we had to face for the past week. we want to hear an apology from them.

3.) bottom line, saigon is still complicit as none of the screenshots would’ve been published if she didn’t share her account with her friend. it’s a friends-only rp, meant for conversations between close friends. none of the conversations were meant to be read by others outside of the private space.

*** i’d repeat myself, i will not be responding to saigon directly because i don’t trust myself to stay calm when conversing with her. she has hurt rice and my other friends, it’s taking every ounce of restrain in me to remain civil; and i only want us to have closure and move on from this show. so unless it’s saigon finally owning up the name(s) of those involved, or it’s her friend owning up, i will make no further statements. this blog will also not be taken down, i have not defamed saigon in any way, this is the truth and AGAIN, we just want answers to finally get our closure.
saigon 2 years ago
what i saw*
saigon 2 years ago
if you read this blog, i hope you pay attention to what i have been saying and owning up to. there is a negative narrative put on me with how they are wording things so it is easy to take it and think it’s the truth. if i was such a vile person, i would be the one making the blogs but i would never do such a thing, i think rpr drama is far out of reach and i wasn’t trying to stir anything up. i hope you’ll read what i’ve said and share your opinions, because i am more than happy to explain myself and hear criticisms. if you speak about me with ill words and saying then you are just as bad as the rest. i said things in the pm in an emotional position not when i was thinking logically or clearly. the same could be said for kali with how he approached me. but i was always calm in my response and not just saying it was their fault blah blah, i was owning up to things i did. there are things i said when i was getting upset because of how he was painting picture of me that i don’t like people who swear when he hasn’t known me for a few years. i have many people in my life who swear their bums off but i’m not coming at them or hate them because of it. i just personally choose to not swear. anyways, i hope you’ll hear both sides of the sorry and not just trust whays out before u in the blog post. my character is nothing like what they’ve described as and it’s a shame they’ve decided to say such things when i have talked to most of them before. i never ever said anything ill towards them or in private, i’ve expressed disappointment and questioned what they said but nothing bad. i never called it bullying either. and the person posting blogs are not my friends, i had one friend in this and that is the person i told. i cannot control what people do so please do not put such blame on me. anyone can take information and manipulate it. i own up to my mistakes for the 49457 time and i’m sorry that the information i gave became this huge issue on rpr, never was that the goal of me letting someone know what i say.
haedache 2 years ago
If I had to guess, the purpose of this call out blog is to find out who posted the blogs and who took the screenshots, because you haven’t told the victims who your friend is. It is also possible that the main person involved stopped the conversation precisely because it is clear you aren’t going to reveal that information, so they were forced to post this blog in hopes of finding out those answers (and finally get some closure).
In a different tangent, I do agree that you might not have had the intention of such a huge escalation. However, to say “how can i take part in something when i just thought i was informing people of smth i saw that i thought was wrong” seems kinda logically conflicting. If you are the informant, you are necessarily already part of the thing? In fact, as the informant, you are the reason why private conversations got leaked, regardless of your intentions. And if we define cause as ‘a person or thing that gives rise to an action/phenomenon/condition’, you quite literally are the cause, whether or not you intended the consequences that follow.
You might say that the ultimate cause is the fact that the victims were talking about other people, but as with merahki’s blog, I don’t think that private conversations should be judged on the same level as public ones. In fact, since intentionality is prized on such a high level, isnt it even more important to realise that these things were said in a private context? Hence, they were not said with the intention of being acted upon in public
saigon 2 years ago
i would also like to say that i could have easily been pmed without being friended as that is how kali reached out to me in the first place. i did not accept the friend request because i thought i was talking to kali about it and didn’t need to talk to fushiguro because they were not even the person i was talking about when i was telling my friend. never called it bullying, only said they were talking about someone and let them read for themselves. i don’t get the need of this call out blog because i was talking to the main person involved and not someone that wasn’t even who i was speaking on. they stopped sending me pms, so they stopped the conversation, not me. i was more than willing to own up to my mistake instead of not answering them and making it worse. i thought we were mature enough to deal with it on our owns but i guess not. and yes as i’ve said already, i should have told kali myself and that’s my own fault for not owning up to it at that point. and for those that might come with the “sorry cause you got caught”. no, i have been sorry because it was taken way out of proportion, never in my life did i think it would end up with those stupid blogs coming out with screenshots. that was very unnecessary and it should have been dealt with in pms instead of in public like that. the informing i did has played a part in the blogs, however, i will not stand for being called the cause of this when i don’t think people should be talked about when they’re not even bothering you or causing a stir. i keep things to myself because there is no need. i made mistake here and if i could go back and fix them, i would.
mortem 2 years ago
so, all in all, this could have been avoided if someone decided to idk? talk in the chat themselves about the convo that was going on, instead of letting outsiders snoop in and make a mountain out of a mole hill? cool, cool. nice.

what the actual -
suguru 2 years ago
and not once when dispatch dropped the smaller set of screenshots before the ones "exposing" them did you think "hm, maybe i should tell them not to do that"?

you watched all this go down when dispatch's blog dropped, you probably even ready the comments. you watched as people slandered your "friends" because you misunderstood. and i'm assuming you didn't apologize after the fact the found you as traitor. or maybe you apologized willingly idk.

but nowhere did you stop this, because someone like koreaboos got ahold of even more screenshots. and you still continued to watch as your "friends" tried to defend themselves.

wether your friend was dispatch/koreaboos or were just sending the screenshots to them, you could've stopped them. at any point.
suguru 2 years ago
i'm so confused. so you saw people talk as they do in a private or public rps and told your friends. you didn't realise that they were mostly talking about themselves even looking back in conversation? and you allowed your friend to see and none of you thought they were talking about themsleves?

which actually ties in to dispatch's deleted apology where i believe they stated they were given selected screenshots. and no where between the time of seeing the real conversation and before your "friend" starting to hype up their blogs days before "exposing" did you think "hm, maybe i took this out of context, i should ask these guys"

your mistake caused people to leave and someone to get doxxed
saigon 2 years ago
calling me a bad friend when kali let you guys post the runaway thing when i went through and he knows it. i broke his trust and i’m sorry i did that. but just cause i was a bad friend doesn’t mean he had to do the same to me and mention things that target pain that i have been healing from for years.
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