On a Kpop wakeup call


"Sorry to ramble on but I just get so upset with the way Kpop promotes in the West. It is easy to see that they currently promote as a novelty item."
It IS a novelty item though. Even in Korea it is marketed that way. These idols are meant to have 3-5 year careers, sometimes not even that much, and then they disappear to be replaced by someone else who's younger, prettier and with zero talent like always. It is a predictable and uninspired industry. If that's not novelty, then what is? How can Kpop hope to be seen as anything more than pretty boy idols in other countries when they aren't even taken seriously in Korea? From what I see, everything the American media has written about Kpop has been mostly true. I don't expect American reporters to respect Kpop or write about them in a loving or sympathetic/understanding tone, when Kpop doesn't even respect itself or takes itself seriously enough to put out something worthwhile.

"I actually believe that interest in Kpop music is already fading in the West and more attention is being focused on the weird ongoing practices such as the approval of the existence of uncle fans, approved pedo-ism, blatant ual inequality, weird presence of companies, and the lack of artistic talent and involvement of the idols in their music."

Well, what else is there to talk about? How musically inspiring Kpop is (lol)?

Most of the music are such piles of that there's nothing really to gain from analyzing them in a critical fashion. I enjoy Kpop but it's nothing complex. My greater interest in Kpop comes from what you listed - the culture surrounding it. Now, I think that's pretty sad when you realize that your music itself doesn't contribute anything to your culture but that's another story.

The point I'm trying to make is that Korean journalists won't talk about this kind of dark stuff. The K-entetainment industry pulls a zipper over their mouth and sweeps all these social problems under the rug. Really, who better to criticize these things and bring them into light than the foreigners who they're begging to sell to, who just happens to have an established system for reputable journalism, unlike most of these Korean journalists? ual abuse and the like is WRONG and yet the last case of abuse was passed over like it was nothing. That kind of won't go over so easily if it happened in America. I do also find it particularly stupid that idols will get flamed for ridiculous things like cutting their hair and yet when a Korean actress commits suicide or admits to being forced in doing ual favors, no one cares.

And if anyone knows Korean media, it (quoting people/netizens on the internet for sources, PUH-LEEZE, I would have gotten an automatic fail on my HIGH SCHOOL paper if I pulled that kind of ). It's pretty pathetic when you realize high schoolers or college students writing on the internet on websites like this have better journalistic skills than adult workers with college degrees. I blatantly WELCOME American journalists to pick on Kpop and tear it to shreds if it ever "gets big", it's a hard pill to swallow but it's a medicine they need. ual abuse and the other kinds of abuse that is almost like the norm in Korean entertainment is NOT cool.


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StormyThunderNight 11 years ago
You got to realize we do the samething to the idols here too but we are more open to publish the stuff the artists do think about it all these , artist like Disney idols that are here they have that squeaky clean image for 3 to 5 years then they are dropped or they try to venture to something else to break away from the image that they are in and they are scrutinized for trying a different path of.music or character.
lindir 11 years ago
All the newer bands are , maybe with the exception of BAP.
jester 11 years ago
I think most people forget that this is basically idol music. Bubblegum pop that probably wasn't meant to explode in this manner. A lot of people don't realize that this is for middle school/elementary. Meaning you'll find more depth in a sheet of paper. While idol music is k pop, it's not all inclusive.

But I'm in it for the male strip shows. -shot-
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