Just Came Back from Nowhere


RoleplayRepublic has been a home to me during 2012 - 2015.

I stopped for a while and remained as a roleplayer on Facebook for years.

I can't seem to open my previous account so I made a new one.

I'm still familiar with things like applying for faceclaims but I don't think bases or RPs are accepting newbie accounts anymore.

Either way, I am looking for friends and RPs to join if you still have any vacant positions.



I can be active as long as the RP is also active with interactions. You can send me a private message or add me here!

I am friendly too! I hope this blog reach your page and adopt me.


Thank you and love lots!


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DNABleached 2 years ago
welcome back to rpr

if you like semi au's we're always open to new friends
-delicate 2 years ago
Hi love, welcome back! <3 If you had an email tied to any of your old accounts, you should be able to recover your account. I don't recall RPR doing an overhaul on dead accounts since I'm able to log into most of my old accounts. Anyways, RPR has changed a lot since you last were here! Funny enough, I think RPR is going through one of those transition phases right now, so whatever happens in the next few months will likely shape the way the site runs for the next year or so. I think I was gone around 2015-2016 era of RPR since I was busy with my senior year of high school then, but the biggest change from then was the appearance of nonau chatrooms - which might have been a reason why you left since I know a lot of people left around this time because of these fast-paced chatroom rps. I think we're finally seeing the death of these fast-paced chatroom rps after so many years, though. Right now, the website is a little dead, but a few of us were hoping to get aurps back into fashion. Nothing too complicated for the mobile user, but not too dull to not be able to have fun! We're still working out the kinks right now, but from what I understand from a lot of old users coming back on the site, it seems that other roleplay communities are dying out - it's sort of the same over here as well, but many of us love the site and moreover the people on this site so we make do with what we got. I think I saw you favorite Dandelion a little while earlier and you're very welcome to join. It's one of the more active places on the site right now and you *will* find somebody to write with you. There are several people in the roleplay who are in a similar boat as you where they came to check out the site and decided to land on Dandelion as a home since it's active in both IC and OOC. It's very self-paced so you don't have to worry about being too active and I only clear out inactives at the beginning of the month, but they're always welcome to come back since life gets busy and all. Anyways, sorry for the long message, but I'm so excited to hear that you're back and I hope you find your people! <3
shxxhole 2 years ago

we’re self paced
very welcoming
and we don’t have any newbie restrictions
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