To the casual blog surfer looking for your bait roleplay advert; this ain't it. Sorry! Its kind of a rant-slash-letting folk know i haven't disappeared off the face of the planet.
People who have known me for a while will know that my history with my job has been full of late nights and I ain't gonna lie; it is taking a toll when it is literally again- and you'd be lucky if I get a steady amount of hours. RPR is a mental break alongside writing and video games but even then, because of it; my brain has little energy to even generate a good reply. Then goes my usual "i at rp if my replies are short- blah blah"
Also, work has literally become a game of favouritism and full of slackers who are literally there to mess around... which then leads to folk who actually want to make a living to either pick up the slack or be in the firing line for angry humans - shout out to the guy who called me "f**king useless" when I was literally running two departments and five colleagues were chatting about their night out beside me... Its got me so naffed off that I am literally giving up and looking elsewhere- which adds a different form of stress.
In short... my brain has been spent lately; spent brain, no energy. No energy, no replies... no replies... people wonder where the floofy ducks cinnabunns went- thats if people do that... i dunno.
I'm sorry about the random post but I feel like I had to let everyone I write with know and finally get it off my chest.
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