Is it jst me or this platform hard to use

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I've been facing lot's of troubles abt stuff, hwv it always end saying 404 ,page not found or unavail, it's stepping on my last nerves apparently :)

If anyone could help in guiding plz do

Hwv one of those I've ben facing is not being able to reply or comment in rooms ,it's often show are u 18 n opp page not found,suspectingly it's some platform issues aside from takin yrs to open


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moonkitten 1 year ago
Check this out if someone else already hasn’t linked it to you ^^
emptyhead 1 year ago
honestly this site is not super new user friendly. I know when I first used the site, I learned almost everything from other people or from tinkering with things on my own.

adding onto messages below, admins can make private rooms that can only be open by other admins that will not let you open the rp. you can always click the view description button to see if that is something that is causing it!
c07379e2cf1c9fb32caa 1 year ago
+ if you change the 18 plus thing, you're going to have to log out and back in.
reverie- 1 year ago
Adding onto Joyous’, in order to access mature content, you can go to settings and change it under ‘age verification’
sundestroyer 1 year ago
You'll also get error notices if you try to access friend only content from someone not in your friends list.
Joyous9175 1 year ago
Hii. Im guessing you’re new to the site!
I’ll be glad to run through a little with you.

Are you 18 - this shows when your profile setting probably has that mature setting turn off. So this page appears if you happen to click a mature rp to view

Page not found or unavailable - this happens if the admin of the rp puts it in draft mode I think or if the main admin deactivates their account so we can’t see the rp
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