º ✧ 。––– 𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐅𝐒𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐄 ⊰ Jeon Jungkook ⋮ profile

❛ Jeon jungkook
⸢ ⋆ ⸥ quote
Not a gods chosen, but a gods cursed.
trivial information

・ ˖ ✦ ⋄ . basics.

  • Name: Jeon Jungkook.
  • Witch Coven: Jeon (blood-related family coven).
  • Alias(s): @Nux (Anonymous social media and artist handle, public with a semi-significant following; approx 32k followers) — Little Rabbit (A seemingly well intentioned nickname from his family to outsiders).
  • Age: 26.
  • Date of Birth: September 13th.
  • Zodiac Sign(s): Virgo, Fire Ox.
  • Temperament: Melancholic-Sanguine
  • Race: Witch.
  • Feeder Type: Algedonic, but under the impression that he's a painful feeder. (Never experienced pleasure or numbness)
  • Feeder Pairing: Christopher Bang
  • Birthplace: Busan, Gyeongsang Province, South Korea.
  • Current Location: Wolfsbane Academy.
  • Occupation: Student (FT) — Runs an online illustration shop open to both the magical and mundane community, however he tries not to advertise it to non-magic folks(The internet is a big place, however, and people can be determined) that sells digital prints or tattoo designs that purposefully hidden protective runs/wards incorporated (FT, technically).
  • Wealth: Presumed mega-rich via family fortune.
  • Spoken Language(s): Korean (Mother Tongue) — Latin (Fluent) — Old Norse (Fluent) — Old English (Fluent) — Ionic-Attic Greek (Fluent) — Old Irish (Semi-Fluent, stronger in written text over spoken) — Old Chinese (Semi-Fluent, stronger in written text over spoken) — A smattering of other languages ranging from conversational to fluent in either written or spoken.
  • ual Orientation: Demi-Panual.
  • Romantic Orientation: Panromantic.
  • Love Language (Giving): Physical Touch, Acts of Service.
  • Love Language (Receiving): Physical Touch, Words of Affirmation.
  • Relationship Status: Single.
    **Canon-wise, Jungkook doesn't really think he's cut out for relationships for two reasons: the first being his subpar magic skills and his blood covens notoriety and the second because he's so painfully shy, it's hard for him to believe that he could make friends, let alone a love connection.

・ ˖ ✦ ⋄ .  appearance.

  • Physical Appearance Reference: 2023 Clavin Klein Campaign and Seven photoshoot.
  • Cadence: Soft spoken, has a slight stutter if talking for an extended period of time.
  • Gait: Hunched over, tends to curl in on himself ot avoid bringing attention. Walks briskly and doesn't make eye contact with anything around him.
  • Fragrance: Pink pepper, primafiore lemon, neroli, rum, clary sage. Warm, smoky and a little mysterious. Jazz Club EDT from Maison Margiela.
  • Height: Approx 178cm.
  • Weight: Approx 75kg.
  • Hair Colour: Natural Black.
  • Eye Color: Warm Brown.
  • Piercing(s): Jungkook has all of his current irl piercings, including a tongue piercing.
  • Hair Style: Messy and unkempt though it comes across as intentional; hangs just below his ears in a mess of natural, bouncy curls. Will usually leave it untouched aside from the occasional de-knotting via stressed fingers.
  • Tattoo(s): Jungkooks tattoos are a painstakingly self-designed personal project that covers the majority of his body. Spanning from his neck to his fingertips, his chest to his back, finally ending at dorsum of both his feet, Jungkook's scripture takes inspiration from the languages he's studied extensively over the years, turning them into something entirely new and unique to him; his own kind of magic. None of his scripture actually contains any magical power, but he hopes that, someday, he'll be able to imbue his artwork with magic.

    chest — arms & chest (45° angle)back
    **note: the original video i had linked was removed, the new set of photos(from the same artist: giorgos kazakis) is a chest-arm-back piece only. imagine the same markings extending down Jungkook's legs to his feet. images are of a shirtless man; no other or nsfw content is shown.
  • Clothing Styleone — two — three — four.
  • Noteworthy Additions:
    Jungkook's tattoo's are never on display. Nobody knows that he has them. The ones on his hands and neck(as well as any other potentially visible areas) are either covered in bandages or have a glamour applied to them(typically in the form of a cream).
    ◦ He always wears black. His combat boots are also a staple piece.

・ ˖ ✦ ⋄ .  magic.

  • Discipline: Baneful Magic.
  • Focus: Umbramancy / Umbrakinesis (Perceived, or rather, his 'intended' focus) — Wards and Protection Spellcraft (Primary focus).
    **note: Jungkook purposefully chose wards and protection spellcraft for his focus as his magic because he has two main powers, umbramancy and... could you guess the other?
  • Specialty: Spell etymology and development — Languages (Especially Old and Middle dialects).
  • Theoretical Knowledge: Master.
  • Practical Skill (Technique): Advanced.
  • Practical Skill (Implementation): Novice.
  • Magic Potential: Unknown.

•.*★ prologue。 twilight.

Family over everything.

Nestled deep within the peaks of Mount Jirisan, beyond an unsuspecting valley of Monkshood and Belladonna, lies the Jeon Homestead, an impenetrable bastion built deep within the mountain's bedrock, home to the disreputable but influential Jeon witch coven.

The coven was first formed in 79 B.C., the result of a love match between Insara, an early dream walker, and a mundane, whose name has since been lost to time; but his love for Insara and her magical abilities, which earned her a dangerous reputation, remains a steady example of the family motto(see above).

Insara, the Jeon's common ancestor and first matriarch, discovered the mythical cavern system after a prophetic dream in 42 B.C; her dream spoke of great halls with towering columns of black marble, precious stones embedded into mosaic floors that would put those of the Emperor's to shame, and a flourishing lineage of magical descendants, kept safe from those not blessed with the cunning. She left her ancestral home the following morning, promising her clan that she would return with wonderous news. She set off from what would now be considered modern-day Busan into the Silla wilderness with nothing but the clothes on her back.

Her journey would last 5 days and 4 nights, never once resting as she followed her instincts til she found the promised Jeon home within the mountain peaks. The naturally formed caverns were filled with mystical energy: crystals thrumming with power, geophytes that Insara had never seen before but knew not to touch for they would cause ill, and lakes of magic that, when Insara took a drink from, temporarily enhanced her powers to a divine level. She had found their home.

The Jeon coven(nameless then, until sometime after 918 when Silla had long fallen, and Goryeo was the reigning kingdom) left Busan within the month, disappearing one frigid night in the deep winter.

Generations of necromancers, baneful magic users, and dream walkers have walked the fortress, burrowing further into the mountains as their family line expanded, both by blood and by gradually accepting outsiders facing persecution from mundanes. But, as is the way of human nature, conflicting personalities and political games would threaten to bring about the fall of the great Jeon clan; once in 134 C.E, again in 1551 C.E and a final familial war in 1810 C.E., each conflict bloodier than the last and each time, almost spelling the destruction of the Jeon coven. All three clashes dragged the rest of the Korean magical community into their mess, earning the Jeon coven a rather unique prestige: powerful, to be respected, but dangerous and left alone unless necessary.

Their affinity for the darker magics did nothing to help ease these external concerns. But the Jeon coven preferred it this way: to fester in their gilded halls, performing magics that tested basic human ethics and sequestering forbidden knowledge from eons past.

Until now, when the firstborn child of Insara's direct descendants was not a girl(something previously thought of as an impossibility); but a healthy baby boy.

•.*★ chapter one。 dusk.

It was challenging to have a happy childhood when considered a failure from the day of your birth.

Jeon Jungkook, first-born to the illustrious, all-powerful necrotic magician, Jeon matriarch Jeon Jisoo and her husband, revered necromancer Kim Junghyun, had made the mistake of being born a boy, something that had not happened in the Jeon clan for centuries.

Although most were disappointed but accepting of the strange event, some coven members took his birth to be an ill omen, believing that grim tidings were on the horizon for the Jeon clan. Jungkook would be the eye of the storm in all of it.

In reality... Well, it was sheer dumb luck(or misfortune, if you were to ask Jungkook) and plain old genetics.

Even the most headstrong of dream walkers or prophecy tellers, try as they might, could not conjure up even a wisp of ill fortune coming their way because of their child, Jungkook. These splinter groups never deterred from their beliefs and made it their lives to give Jungkook hell growing up, making it very clear from the get-go that their goal was for his exile or his death.

Whichever came first.

Jungkook's parents turned a blind eye to most of his grievances, only choosing to step in when the issue came a little too close to disrespecting them personally- and their newly born daughter.

He'd quickly learn that he had only himself and very few others in his corner. Jungkook didn't take this life lesson too kindly, but there was nothing he could do; he was a child and, with parents who were entirely focused on raising the next coven matriarch, he couldn't even receive a tutor to begin learning the one thing Jungkook desperately believed would help make his coven recognise his worth: magic.

So, he took it upon himself to teach himself how to become the best. If he was the strongest, the fastest, and had the most powerful magic, his coven would have to recognise him.


•.*★ chapter two。 dawn.

In the Jeon coven, all child members were expected to perform their first magical spell at 14, regardless of whether or not they'd received tutelage in their youth. It was called Revelation, and its methods of drawing out a child's magic varied from family to family.

It was extremely rare- even rarer than Jungkook's birth- for any child from the coven not to have a magical spark, so even though some attempts were pitiful, all children produced some sort of magic that displayed their affinity. Those who didn't were exiled from the coven. With his 14th birthday rapidly approaching, Jungkook was desperate to prove himself, dedicating his entire existence to studying and practising magic. He knew he could do this- after all, he'd discovered his affinity for baneful magic at the tender age of 10, with a unique emphasis on shadow magic, rare but not unheard of in the coven.

On the day of his 14th birthday, Jungkook had woken up, excited yet nervous, for once feeling confident in his abilities and hopeful for what could happen afterwards. He was prepared for anything.


Except for this.

Jungkook would miss his ceremony by three hours.


He'd failed.

Barely managed to conjure a whisp of shadow from his fingertips.

He'd failed.


"So I'm doing my history paper on Insara's descendents but... Doesn't Mistress Jeon have a son? Why do we only see her daughter around?"

"Shut up, not so loud. They don't like to talk about him; he hasn't been seen in years. I think he was shipped off to Wolfsbane or something."

"Ha! That's total bull. I know someone whose cousin is friends with one of Jeon's personal guards; the dude had, like, no magic at his Revelation. Pretty sure he was exiled."

"No way! He's Insara's descendant, he's gotta be crazy powerful!"

"I dunno, bro, but damn, I'd be humiliated if I was Mistress Jeon and that was true."

"Me two."

"Me three."

general information

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ favourite movie。Iron Man.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ favourite tv show。Friends.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ favourite book。Lord of the Rings.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ favourite colour。Black.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ favourite music genre。Folk.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ favourite animal。Dogs.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ favourite season。Autumn.


MBTI — INFP (The Mediator)
Although they may seem quiet or unassuming, Mediators (INFPs) have vibrant, passionate inner lives. Creative and imaginative, they happily lose themselves in daydreams, inventing all sorts of stories and conversations in their minds. These personalities are known for their sensitivity – Mediators can have profound emotional responses to music, art, nature, and the people around them.

Idealistic and empathetic, Mediators long for deep, soulful relationships, and they feel called to help others. But because this personality type makes up such a small portion of the population, Mediators may sometimes feel lonely or invisible, adrift in a world that doesn’t seem to appreciate the traits that make them unique.

Strengths: empathetic – genuine – open-minded – exceedingly kind – creative – thoughtful – Idealistic – passionate – hard-working.

Likes: black tea with a splash of milk – the smell of polished wood and old paperback books in the library – subscribing to daily random facts/word of the day type apps/emails – freshly cut herbs and dried flowers – soup – the idea of hugs, hand holding, having a romantic partner – romcom movies – bamboo cotton clothes/sheets – sitting in the university courtyard under that one huge tree in the back corner with a book, especially in autumn or winter – warm bread with cheese and fruit pastes – helping others – people who are nice to him.

Weaknesses: timid – self-isolating – emotionally vulnerable – self-critical – desperate to please – unrealistic – gullible – introverted – a lowkey hoarder.

Dislikes: coffee – action, horror and gore movies – blood in general – anything to do with entropy or necrosis; can include terminal diseases, fungus, rotting food, etc – sudden loud noises – the smell of antisceptic and bleach – large crowds – spicy food – going home, talking about home(specifically family), etc – failing – being distracted from his personal study or course work / distractions in the classroom – dark, confined spaces.

Hobbies and Habits
Hobbies: spending time at Wolfsbane library – tending to his herb garden – drawing (traditional and digital) – working out (prefers HIIT style workouts) – listening to music – early morning walks, especially when the weather is dreary – studying, whether it's for his coursework or his own personal study – practising his scripture artwork – shinrin-yoku – volunteering at animal shelters – performing solo-rituals(he'd prefer group rituals however... the lack of friends poses a bit of a problem).

Character Habits: cannot sit still to save his life, always has to be tapping his foot, bouncing his leg, etc – playing with his earrings when distracted or thinking – tends to lean/turn away from whoever he's talking to – usually sits in the closest to or stands by the doorway, so he can make a quick escape if needed – is a chronic doodler, his notebooks and normal book margins are covered in mindless scribbles and sketches.

Bad Habits: feelings of anxiety, stress and a general loss of control will end up with Jungkook self-harming(scratching himself or flicking himself with a rubber band on his wrist are his usual methods) – despite hating cigarettes, Jungkook has a mild nicotine addiction; it also helps him look 'busy' so that people won't start a conversation with him outside of asking for a light – If he feels he's done something wrong, Jungkook will retreat into himself and self-isolate until either he's pulled out of his funk(by himself or others) – is a nail biter when deep in focus – relies heavily on filler words(uh, um, er, like) – avoids eye contact, especially with strangers – fidgets when uncomfortable.

Character Quirks
General Quirks & Notes: is a fierce defender of soup being classified as a meal – is a feminist through and through – has a social anxiety disorder and clinical depression – is ambidextrous – severely allergic to peanuts if ingested – religiously watches all Iron Man and LoTR movies every three months – collects rare or ancient language manuscripts – his breakfast usually consists of a cup of tea and a pastry(sweet or savoury depends on his mood that day), he generally skips lunch and has dinner late to avoid crowds – is aware that his avoidance of people directly contributes to his lack of friends but doesn't do anything about it due to his shyness – sleeps with his window curtains open – likes to fall asleep to lo-fi study girl.

Secrets and Fears
Secret's He'll Share: and why would he tell you, a stranger, his secrets?

Secret's He'll Keep to Himself: see above.

Recognised Fears: is deathly afraid of heights and will have a severe panic attack if he feels like he can't safely jump/climb down to the ground – failing, and to a lesser degree, not being able to meet his own standards – large groups of people – snakes – is claustrophobic – that he'll never feel comfortable around anyone enough to form a deeper connection – causing harm to others –  afraid of the dark.

Unrecognised Fears: none, he's pretty aware of all his fears.

•.*★ connections。 02 / 10.

before you approach me

•.*★ important。 Please read my profile before DM'ing me about roleplaying; I put a lot of work into this and I don't really want to have to type everything out again lmfao questions and clarifications are totally ok, but if I have to type out Jungkook's entire background and personality... Bro, come on.

writing & plotting style

•.*★ writing style。 I am comfortable with all writing styles but heavily prefer third. If doing first, I tend to write in a 'he/him & you/your' style and will do it in script; slashes (/) denote actions for me.

I will be trying to keep my writing to 1-3 paragraphs however when I'm inspired, I can go overboard. You do not need to mirror; I also do not want an expectation of having to mirror(but I don't believe anyone on this platform does that).

I'm coming off a pretty extended writing hiatus so my skills are... subpar. I'm still getting the hang of show, not tell, but it's not quite there yet; if my post is a little bland, please excuse me.

•.*★ plotting style。 I highly prefer plotting or having some sort of goal in mind for my threads. Winging is ok but I have found in the past that if I have no character history to build on or(as mentioned before) a goal, I tend to flounder and that is where my muse fails me.

I also love 'mini threads' that help with character building or one-off posts where muns require an outside third party. It really helps make the roleplay feel alive, and it's good when there's no expectations outside of the main goal of the mini thread.

I love writing starters but will be upfront if I think it'd make sense for you to write the first post.

•.*★ overall。 I'm quite flexible about how we actually rp and will work at your pace if possible. Also very happy to accept re-write requests or input from you if you'd like to see something in particular happen.

activity & reply speed

•.*★ important。 I will follow your poke/nudge rules but if you have none, you can expect a check-in post after 3 weeks of silence; these check-in posts should not be considered a poke as I am never in any rush to receive a reply, these are generally just me seeing if you're still interested in the plot. I only accept pokes after 3 weeks myself as I'm currently very busy irl and in other roleplays. I accept 1 poke; anything more, and I will not respond until I can be bothered.

I am anticipating slow replies until Christmas; please be patient with me. I will try to respond at least once every few days but my activity tends to be on weekends.

We can always drop/pick up our thread(s); I am somebody who never loses muse unless we don't click as roleplay partners(it happens, do not be offended if it does), I just run out of physical energy and time sometimes.

Please note that my timezone is typically a day ahead of everybody(gmt+10).

location preferences

Everywhere. I don't care.

will be done in either: Jungkook's private room or my DMs.


Ok lol let's get this out of the way rn: Jungkook is a touch-starved .

No, I will not be roleplaying ual encounters unless your muse is somebody he implicitly trusts or is in a relationship with; hence the 'demi-' tag.

No, he's not innocent to the point of 'why do you have a banana shove down your pants/what's a cliboris', he knows how works; he's just never done it with anybody or really with himself.
**the typo intended.

Yes, I will probably project some kinks onto him when the times comes. What those kinks are? No idea(well, some idea; he's definitely into praise and body worship lmao) but we'll get to it when we get to it.

Another thing to note: Jungkook is very soft. Dominating or submitting, it doesn't matter; unless/until he goes through some confidence development, Jungkook is not going to be rough in any capacity. I also don't care if he's a top or bottom when it comes to gay ; I adapt him to you and your preferences.

•.*★ Skeleton。 younger sister. 1/1.

jeon somi

Jungkook's younger sister and the next matriarch of the Jeon coven. The only requirements: must be younger, must be either a user of baneful magic, necromancy, or a dream walker and will need to either be an faceclaim with the surname Jeon already or your fc's surname changes to Jeon in the roleplay or vice versa, idm what we go with.

Their relationship can be antagonistic, neutral or positive. To be discussed if you'd like to take this plot. I do have a mild preference for them having a positive relationship.

•.*★ Skeleton。 available. no limit.

coven mate.

Only teo requirement: you’re a witch(duh) and your muse or your muses ancestor's were harmed by non-magic folk which turned your family to the joining the Jeon's. Just note that the most common magic users in the Jeon coven are baneful, necrotic or dream walkers; if your muse is any other magic type, they're a minority.

You do not need to be friends with Jungkook(actually, it's preferred if you aren't or maybe your muse wants to be his friend, but he hasn't really reciprocated) but you will know of each other just by association.

If you would like to be part of the reason why JK didn't attend his Revelation DM me!

If you would like to be a part of the coven and know more info that I have in mind AND build upon the coven's lore, also DM me! I would LOVE to turn this into a fully-fledged witch coven with headcanons, inspo sources, etc.

•.*★ Skeleton。 availability.


Text stuff goes here. Type as much as you want here, but be mindful of the rest of the layout and the overall look of the layout.


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antigen 6 months ago
the way I gasped when I saw seokjin was already taken
my baby
who to pickkkk
salome 6 months ago
stares at the younger sister connection with my /jeon/ somi witch muse hjkl
begone_thot 6 months ago
Please rp with Anzh.
Theyre both blood witches.
itri_itried 6 months ago
so pretty.
saorsa [A] 6 months ago


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