• i need to fulfill a corruption kink ekmfofkf - closed


badically the title

another layout blog, oooohhh

Golden Fleece update: I’m gonna be finishing up creating the actual rp tomorrow, myself and Sappai will do an ad blog then I’ll do a reserve blog either on the 26th or the 27th. Check my last blog for some tentative faceclaims already taken./p>


And a Venus Lounge update: VL will be undergoing a small revamp as well as some rules changes; namely, making the rp as self paced and freeing as possible. So if you wanna join for some y, drama/fun, the mini revamp will be done by new years!


onto the plot stuff!


i seem to have a massive kink for corruption + religious themes and honestly, I’m surprised I haven’t actually posted a blog for a pm rp like this before. I don’t need to go into this too much, I just want a plot where Muse A is a part of a hyper religious(in American terms, think Deep South evangelical) church slash cult in a middle of nowhere town and they’re the pastors kid; they’re stupid sheltered and very indoctrinated cause that’s all they’ve known, but at the end of the day, Muse A doesn’t really buy into the hateful crap their parent spews, despite trying to. Muse B, who’s character is probs obvious, is the newcomer who subscribes to all things that the hates. And I mean, you probably know how this goes; it’s not really anything special or unique.

Some variations can be Muse A going full Mormon and knocking on people’s doors to spread the word of Christ or whatever, and they can’t get Muse B outta their head. Or maybe Muse A just wanted to go on a little personal pilgrimage and is the newcomer themself in the cute lil village/town that Muse B lives in.


Whatever the scenario is, Muse A gets corrupted by Muse B and has to deal with this sudden journey of self discovery which will cause a lot of angst and pain- but also a lot of . I kinda want Muse A to be stupidly clueless, like, Daphne from Bridgerton clueless where yes, they know certain body parts exist but not that you could *wiggles eyebrows* or how to *wink wonks* if you catch my drift.


[✱] Pairing type : preferably mxm cause that’s my jam, and I think that same works better for corruption and church excommunication. open to fxf but only with the right female muse; i'm very, very picky with my women, i'm sorry.

[✱] Muses (Mine) : my faceclaim depends on which muse I'm taking but as per usual, my top picks are the bts boys; I'm vibing with the maknae line pre exclusively. Jeongguk would suit either muse, Taehyung suits either muse, and I think Jimin suits Muse A a bit more but he can do Muse B fairly easily. I'm open to Hyunjin, Yeonjun, Huening Kai and Hongjoong as well. Your muse doesn't matter.

[✱] Group ships : nah, I don't care about group ships for this.

[✱] Preferred stuff : this is gonna be and romantic. I don't do hardcore kinks, we can discuss it later.

[✱] Mpreg? : not unless we introduce a/b/o or smth which I'm ok with.

[✱] Anything else? : I don't think so? I have a slight preference for Muse A but like... meh, at the end of the day, I just wanna have some fun.


as usual, there are no expectations on my end for immediate replies from you; you can take days, weeks, months, etc.,(i mean, hopefully not months) because life happens, idc all that much as long as you're not burnt out or feeling forced to reply. just be aware that that also applies to me; as i've mentioned before to multiple people, i'm someone who doesn't really lose muse v often, i just have periods of life where i don't have the time.


if keen, hmu :)


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antigen 5 months ago
hnn have B smoking a cigarette and leaning in the doorway when A knocks on the door

and post this, make it a beautiful fanfic that I can read ; A ;
PurpleAnon 5 months ago
Oooh. This sounds right up my alley but someone might have taken you on this already.
blueydotmp3 5 months ago
the way I’m so down
xsoulx 5 months ago
“i seem to have a massive kink for corruption + religious themes”

Felt. Lol.
crybebi 5 months ago
spearminty 5 months ago
SeHYUNG 5 months ago
I honestly scream laughed at the thought of me rping some hardcore christian character, but the more that I think about it, the more I like the plot you've got going here
chikookiehope 5 months ago
I, too, am surprised you've yet to make a request for this
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