

this isn't going to be pretty as this was made in the spur of the moment. but me and a friend were talking and came to the realization that some of the rps around here have terrible rules and they're preventing people from joining. i know it's /your/ rp so you can do whatever the hell you want. but if you create an rp with the intention of having many people join, have fun and actually write. these limitations are ruining that and people wonder why non au rp's are running the site with even more diversity in faceclaims than a lot of the au rps i see around here. that's almost unreal because what do you mean my faceclaim needs almost a million followers to rp? what do you mean i can't rp as an influencer? what do you mean my face claim can't have a family ooc? why do most of these rp's have miami club requirements? 

not only that. here's these requirements and i still see characters who should be banned still being rped. crickets. i really don't want the lazy argument of "these rules are to check if they're actually influencers instead of normal people" or "these amount of followers certify the age or other information about the person" or "it's out of respect of their personal lives" because no one would be rping anyone because of that last statement. everyone knows the difference between an influencer account and the account of a regular person, and someone who shouldn't be rped (private accounts, minors, and those who verbally say this stuff is weird count me tf out). age wise, for the influencers who don't make the preferred half a million follower count, you can still find their ages and 9/10 they're grown. if you know your face claim does not meet the age requirement, don't reserve them. there are plenty of celebs who don't meet the follower count because they're just not popular but again 9/10 they're adults if you check. not everyone wants to be a k-idol for every rp they go to, that's where the other celebs, influencers, and YouTubers come from. the last two groups have become a middle ground for more diverse face claims if you don't want to rp a celebrity. this will not be the same sentiment everyone shares, and that's okay. but why even have these rules and still try to say you're promoting a welcoming and diverse usage of face claims? there are too many good and very creative rps around here not doing well because of that. i really want to say that on some of these posts but people are going to stick to their guns and i don't blame them, it's /their/ rp, not mine. 


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gusgus 1 year ago
lordie 3 hours ago Reply
... i never heard of a follower count to join a roleplay until now and the reasoning for this is...just sounds like an excuse to me.
lordie 1 year ago
this is why i rp on tumblr for au's. if the majority are kpop idols, they still don't have any restrictions on who you can be as long as you and your characters are 18 or older. face-chasing, user-chasing, and bubble rping happens everywhere you go, even on tumblr. i never heard of a follower count to join a roleplay until now and the reasoning for this is...just sounds like an excuse to me.
himbos 1 year ago
kind of agree with themis about the 1m+ thing being loose. i don't particularly care if the difference is like 750k or even 500k but like... i ask for the 1m+ in my rules usually because if they're more well known, there is more of a chance they'll get interactions from everyone else. like, i know people on rpr want to claim they'll talk to any fc and all that, but i find that if you don't rp someone popular (even if they are a kpop fc too), you're just not gonna get the interactions you want IF you get any. that's been my experience in the past, and it's been others' experience as well.

i think just being like "hey, how flexible are you on this rule?" can sometimes work. at least it has in my case and it would work on me as well. like i said, i'm not too particular about the difference between that 1m+ and i'm not a stickler about it either. i just hate when i accept the person who wants a fc like that in the rp, and i'm the only one rping with them, so they leave or get bummed out because no one else even bothers.

idk, i'm not fully awake yet but those are my thoughts rn.
themis 1 year ago
feel like the 1m+ thing could be loose if it’s for age reasons only, perhaps you could ask if you know that the person is grown despite them having less than 1m+. generally agree, i usually rp k-idols anyway but it would be nicer to rp some lesser known influencers or models. but i understand it could be a hassle or anxiety inducing to ask someone if they can bend a rule or whatever. i think internationals should be allowed when it makes sense, but i get the hesitance towards them since sometimes they’re there to bubble rp or go inactive upon joining bc no one really rps with them (general rpr problem w face chasing and cliques, is it a good rule? no idea but lol). a lot of what is reliant on in rpr is chance— you say 9/10 chance well, some people don’t want to risk that especially with how common it is, even just in the k-idol world, for minors to be really popular. but again, the chances of someone actually being like that here is slim, but it’s still a risk not a lot of people are willing to take. i am kinda on the fence w your rant bc i kinda agree with it but also get why people are hesitant. it’s a sort of “is this kind of banning really the right solution? what are the alternatives that could fix something rn?” discussion that plagues irl, so it would bleed into rpr. i’m not here to argue or anything, your post was thought provoking! i just wanted to provide nuance since i believed those “lazy” responses weren’t actually that lazy.
DamnIan 1 year ago
i still find the most damning having loose or no limit on FCs. How you gonna expect new people to join if the admins, or its members rp 3+ people? that, always gets me. ive been lucky enough to not have an issue with internationals. im using one in three spaces, but typically no internationals allowed gives me lowkey racist vibes. so i feel you there.
Keikeu 1 year ago
Wow...internationals not allowed in every au rp? Pfft.

That's so dumb thb with you because I tried to do the same thing before, but then realized it's worth it cuz of that rule
dejunsmoans 1 year ago
we love: 'welcoming to all!' followed by 'intntl not allowed sorry'
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