Looking for rp partner, 3rd pov, para to multi para private rp,pms or discord


So I'm looking for a writing partner who's willing to rp a tsundere switch leaning to bottom but doesn't act like a stereotypical feminine one. Most of my plots are dark and include morally grey characters with hurt/comfort themes because I'm a er for angst T0T

I have many plots in mind that we can discuss in pms but the dynamic that currently sparks my inspiration is a char who's in denial falling for a mentally unstable switch/bottom who's broken due to his past and has sadomasochistic tendencies.

PS I hate referring to a char as top or bottom because doesn't have to be strictly included but since I'm looking for long term writing partners it's meant to happen some time in the near future or later :)

PS 2: sorry to everyone who I owe replies to I haven't forgotten anyone and I'm planning to get back to my current active plots asap!


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Minpha 2 days ago
Interested maybe
Astarion 2 days ago
sundestroyer 2 days ago
Me duh
leet19 2 days ago
Hi! I'm interested in this ^^
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