♱‧₊˚. 𝑴𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒉!! | Co-Admin Profile Teaser -- The Spectral Scientist


welcome to my profile!
looking for connections (especially the pair)
highly suggest listening to the song included for good vibes
link to reserve is on the main photo




these demons they fight me

 From the Start

So, I’ve been dead for… what, almost 200 years now? I was a student at Ashridge Academy back then, majoring in Alchemy, of course—always had a thing for tranation and figuring out how to outsmart nature. I thought I was onto something big, you know? Immortality. Classic ambition. But, in true overachiever fashion, I botched the calculations on my final project. Instead of achieving eternal youth, I ended up… well, a ghost. My body? Completely disintegrated. Now I’m stuck in this limbo state, hovering between life and whatever this is. At first, I thought I’d just haunt a library or something, but turns out, even as a ghost, I can still study. Silver lining, I guess.

Fast forward a couple of centuries, and I’m back at Ashridge, trying to finish what I started. My alchemy research now revolves around creating a permanent body for myself—one that won’t dissolve, explode, or turn into mist. The goal isn’t immortality anymore; it’s just existence. Honestly, being a ghost is exhausting. Do you know how hard it is to mix potions when your hands keep phasing through the beakers? It’s been trial and error, mostly error, but I’m getting closer. One day, I’ll figure out how to solidify my spirit into something more… touchable. Until then, I guess I’ll keep floating around and pretending I’m not completely over this whole being-dead thing.

 Nitty Gritty

Personality — Jimin is a sharp, pragmatic, and somewhat sarcastic ghost who’s equal parts brilliant alchemist and perpetually tired young adult. She’s deeply analytical, always approaching problems with a logical mindset, but her years of ghostly existence have left her with a dry, deadpan humor and a lingering sense of exhaustion. Despite her somewhat jaded outlook, she’s incredibly determined—focused on one goal: creating a permanent physical body for herself. Though she can come across as aloof or a bit cynical, she’s loyal and protective, especially toward her best friend Sooyoung, and underneath her tired exterior, she still harbors a quiet hope for a future where she can truly live again.

⋄ Him
⋄ Studying
⋄ Dark Humor
⋄ Pottery (get it?)
⋄ Coffee
⋄ EctoBliss (ask about it)
⋄ Scaring Freshman

⋄ Strong Breezes
⋄ Sunlight
⋄ Small Talk
⋄ Him

Appearance — Jimin has this cool, otherworldly vibe with her long, straight platinum blonde hair that almost looks like it's glowing. Her blue eyes are sharp and intense, like she’s always observing something no one else can see. She’s got really distinct features—a sharp nose and a beauty mark right below her lips on the right side that gives her this extra bit of charm. Everything about her kind of screams mysterious but in a laid-back, effortless way. When she is tired, she can be seen floating around fully incorporeal, the spectre that haunts the halls.



♡ His Name

Jimin’s feelings for her lover are deep and complicated. She loves him profoundly, but the weight of her ghostly existence holds her back. Jimin believes he deserves someone fully alive and vibrant, not a spirit tethered to the past. This self-imposed distance fuels her determination to find a way to manifest a permanent body. She sees it as a chance not just to reclaim her own life but to prove herself worthy of the love he so freely offers. In her eyes, being a ghost makes her an inadequate partner, and she’s convinced that until she can change that, they can never truly be together.

☆ sooyoung
the biggest dreamer. A ditzy witch. The best person i have ever met.

☆ sample name four
these are open to anyone who is interested in connecting. 

Sample Name One
Turpis egestas pretium aenean pharetra. Sit amet cursus sit amet dictum sit amet.

Sample Name Two
Dignissim suspendisse in est ante in nibh mauris cursus.

Sample Name Three
Sed tempus urna et pharetra pharetra. Vel turpis nunc eget lorem dolor sed viverra.


Name  yu jimin
Birthday  04 • 11 • 1800
Gender and uality  female, Heteroual
Relationship Status  It's Complicated
species  once human, current ghost
year  ... super senior?
major  "Spectral Alchemy"
mun status  open to connections and plots

mood levels.


Bored (80%)


Inspiration (100%)


Online Activity (65%)


Lurking (90%)

colour palette.





[!] Read Me
 I will plot with you, I will brainstorm with you, but we have to be able to have an actual conversation. Do not bother approaching me if you are going to expect me to come up with the plot by myself. If that's the case-- go choose from the plots I already have posted. I am absolutely okay with random starters as long as you stick to my preferences.

Writing Stye: Multi-Literacy
Roleplay Preference: Detailed Interactions, Plotting preferred
Timezone: GMT -8
plot Restrictions: not currently open to nsfw plots, angst is ok



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lullaby 6 days ago
yeah we love women
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