You can check out ivory in the mist. Admins guve a vast amount of creative freedom and they seem to have people who are actually writing instead of chatting. Its steampunk mature rated selfpace pretty active fantasy AU if that pleases you
I'm gonna @Cautionramen here. Very well said. That being said, give us a try in Flowers, we are an inclusive space. :-) We are chat base friendly and plot heavy friendly for those who prefer to write big. We'd love to have you!
Same thing. I got some prp. The I started the scene but I think it was forgotten as it's not moving and it's been many days. It's really hard to find someone who would stay but I'm okay there's few intervals like one or two days.
I’m glad to know it’s a general thing— but it *ss. I was recently in a rp where I was talking with 5-6 different people and while waiting for their replies… they all eventually left, but I never received a message from them. I think only one user texted me they were leaving. One out of six…
I feel you so hard on that… but there are still some really good writers out there, sadly they are hard to find through the mess.
+I stopped rping with people that can not respect the simplest stuff like calling you weird names or make inappropriate jokes, mixing ooc ic, etc. And I’ve been more vocal when someone is not respecting a boundary. I try to stand my ground to the best of my ability and honestly, it saved me lots of headaches.
Take a chance on new writing partners. People change and grow~ I've recently taken the risk and it's worked out.. so long as you keep good boundaries in place.
Happy holidays though, hope they're treating you well.
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