brain farting this idea outta my head so i don't actually committ to it lol.
based on korean tv show 'love catcher'.
- 10 v 10, mental gymnastics / romance show
- 10 singles looking for love (the chasers)
- 10 rookie / small-time actors and actresses looking for their big break + bank account $$$$ (the financiers)
- nobody knows who is what role
- financiers have to finesse a chaser to fall for them, at end of show if chaser asks them to be in a rs / falls in love with them, financiers win $$$$$$. plot twist; cuz you don't know who is what, financiers can easily deceive another financier, if this happens, bye bye + u lose
- chasers win @ life, by finding their true love ♡ fairy tales and rainbows happily ever after, if they end up together with another chaser
questions, comments below would be very appreciated and helpful!
bonus: a red flag trait that's a deal breaker
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