Dear Miyune,
Look, we love you, okay? Lately you've
seemed..well, not yourself. So
I'm making this to express my
love and to cheer you up, even
if only for the period in time that
you read this. Also, the picture you
see on the side here I drew myself, specifically for
you. I truly hope you like it, though I'm not sure if you're a fan of lilies or not.
They're just a very beautiful and pure flower. Anyway, let's get on with the showering of love
yes? Well you obviously know I think your character is spontaneously treacherous, which lets be
honest, is pretty freaking awesome. Sure, she gets her kicked a lot, but at least she's different from
the rest. You never submit to conformity. Now that is a trait I both respect in you and your character.
On a more personal note, since I'm just going to flatter you this whole message, you have a beautiful heart.
Very much like the lilies' beauty. There are certain aspects that have lead me to this accusation, one
being your generosity. Another is your modesty, while the last is your personableness. You have moments
of bluntness, but your an over all comfortable person to talk to and interact with. Please know this, and
believe me when I say it; you are strong. Way stronger than you give yourself credit. Never give up, alright?
You know that I'll always be there for you and that is something I vow until you're sick of me. Then, just maybe
I'll leave, but not easily. Oh, even though this is totally off topic, I know you love Dongwoo, so I found a blog
just about him for your enjoyment (le click)! I hope you spend many happy hours meandering on this blog! Okay,
I guess I'll stop here before I get all corny and what not. Love you noona and yes, I'm always going to call you
noona. Stay strong till the end. Fighting! -BYG
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