That he believes himself to be "above the law" when it comes to artistry in kpop. He seems to think of himself even higher then his Big Bang members, in his mind thinking that he is a musical god, when in reality he really is a product of a cutthroat and hypocritical system. Every single bit of his solo songs right from One Of A Kind simply follow the same recipe: Make sure to flash as many convoluted, supposedly "artistic" images as possible to make him appear smarter to the willing and almost yes man like masses.
It becomes even more hilariously ironic when, as stated above, you take into account that he seems to forget, or doesn't care, that he is a product of the system that spawned his fame in the first place. Lets be honest here, if GD wasn't in YG, wasn't in Big Bang, and was just a rapper, then its more and likely he would have maybe one chart hit, and then fade into obscurity. Considering how much he rails against the system Kpop has created, and in some ways, and extension towards YG's system, yet can brazenly off the tit of the industry enough to own a Lamborghini Aventador and be generally one of the richest idols in both YG and the entire industry, really makes him appear as no more then a complete hypocrite to the message he supposedly peddles.
GD can be compared to Kanye West as one of the most arrogant symbols of their respective music industries. If he seems to loathe the system of Korean pop so much, what is stopping him from breaking off Big Bang, and going independant, and being a rapper, what he always wanted to be. Hey, if Living Legends can go without a recording company and STILL do well, enough to be one of rap's most popular groups, then obviously GD can survive.
Just remember Kwon Jiyong, your a pop idol. Quit masquerading on how your different, and show me your willing to take the step. Until then, your no artist like David Lynch or Werner Hertzog are, so shut up and take the fat check your getting from YG.
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