1. Apple or PC? PC
2. Pop or rock? pop
3. Tea or coffee? coffee, depends.
4. s or butts? ooohhhh well I'm a straight girl, so butts.
5. Girls or boys? boys
6. Arms or abs? abs
7. Blonde or brunette? depends
8. Cats or dogs? depends. I don't like small dogs.
9. Pepsi or Coke? neither I don't like soda
10. Guitar or piano? piano
11. Acoustic or electric? acoustic
12. Sitting or standing (live shows)? both?
13. Angst or fluff? both, and especially. lol
14. Headphones or speakers? speakers
15. Twitter or Facebook? neither
16. Natural ginger or dyed red? would I rather have one or the other?.. I'd rather have natural.
17. Tattoos or piercings? tattoos, all the way. some piercings are y too.
18. British accent or Australian accent? ooohhh both.
19. Spanish or French (language)? spanish
20. Harry Potter or Twilight? harry potter
21. Sweater or hoodie? sweater
22. Stripes or spots? stripes
23. Hug or kiss? depends on who from. lol
24. Queen or Bon Jovi? bon jovi
25. Curly or straight (hair)? on me? either, same for boys.
26. Long or short (hair)? on me? long. on boys? short.
27. Shorter or taller (girls)? taller
28. Shorter or taller (boys)?
29. Prince or Michael Jackson? michael jackson
30. Eyes or lips? eyes
31. West coast or east coast (US)? hmmmm I've never been to west coast
32. Japan or South Korea? south korea
33. Drummer or bassist?drummer
34. Extrovert or introvert? extrovert
35. Rapper or singer? singer
36. Scotland or Ireland? either?
37. Sherlock or Dr Who? sherlock
38. Wales or England? england I guess
39. Foo Fighters or Green Day? green day
40. Tumblr or YouTube? youtube
41. Android or ios7? android
42. Black or white (literal colours, not race)? depends?
43. Asian or Hispanic? doesn't really matter?
44. Asian or white? look above
45. Major or minor? huh? as in college or what?
46. Hot or cold (weather)? hot
47. Glasses or contacts? contacts
48. Vodka or tequila? tequila, vodka has too many memories associated.
49. Dan or Phil? um?
50. AFF or RPR? rpr
in response to killjoyshawol
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