The Rights and Wrongs of Advertising - A Guide


The bulk of our profiles has become a place for advertisements especially if we leave them to public access. There's nothing wrong about this considering people are just trying to get their roleplays out there. 

However! If you are an advertiser listen up, please listen. 

Things you should not do when advertising, yet all too common. 

Do Not Apologize. You do not realize how stupid you look for apologizing. One, you're not sorry. Two, There's no point in apologizing, if they remove or block you it will happen regardless of whether you apologize or not. 

Have the title of the roleplay you are advertising somewhere in the ad. Half the ads I get do not have the title of the roleplay and without the title I am frankly not even going to look at the ad because the title actually means a lot more than the entire description does. And preferrably somewhere in the beginning of the ad would be better, but lets focus on just getting the title there first. 

If someone has on their status 'Do Not Advertise', then don't advertise on their wall or they will delete your comment or block you, or both. If someone says no 1st POV roleplays, then don't advertise for a 1st POV roleplay on their wall, just don't do it. You're making a bad reputation for the roleplay that you are trying to advertise for which I'm sure you don't want. 

Linking. Oh my geez, this is so annoying. If you're going to link me to a roleplay have the link on a seperate line from everything else, no special bullets no nothing on the same line. If I want to check out your roleplay I can simply double click the link and go to it by using a simple method, but when you have things on the same line as the link people tend to get annoyed that they have to manually highlight the damn thing and then get to there. And then now you have an annoyed person trying to look at your roleplay. Chances of them joining has just gone down. 

Write properly. Nothing looks worse for your roleplay than having a whole bunch of errors in your ad without purpose. 

Do not advertise on the same person's wall within the same day, the same week, or even the same month for the same roleplay. I recommend not advertising the same roleplay on a person's wall for a whole three months to be honest, because they'll remember you if they even look at their wall like I do. I cannot understand how I have like five or more advertisements from the same roleplay. Some, I will give the benefit of the doubt that its not the same advertiser, but still. Just a few moments ago I felt lik going to the roleplay and complaining to the admin that I've recieved so many advertisements for her roleplay that its gone beyond ridiculous. However I didn't, and instead I made this blog. 

Please have some genres of your roleplay listed. I personally am interested in angsty, dark, fighting roleplay, however not so much fantasy or matchmaking. And I don't really even want to look at your roleplay if its not what I'm currently interested in, so having genre's will help people make quick desicions about whether or not to take a look at your roleplay. Even explaining or listing some specifics briefly can help up the chances that you'll peek somebody's interests. 

Bringing up linking again, have the short link to your roleplay in the ad. Not the ridiculously long link. For those of you that are unaware the difference the short link cuts off after your roleplay number. For example ( is my roleplay's long link, it includes the title, or at least whats legible of it, and it includes the tags. But the short link ( cuts off right at the roleplay number giving it a clean cut and professional look.

And again if you're in advertiser don't put bullets, 'link:' or something in the same line as your roleplay link. I did so because I'm explaining something not advertising. 

Don't make your ad ridiculously long. Find something short and consice that will grab the attention of your target audience. Honestly most people don't read the bulk of their ads especially if there is too much words plastered over the darn thing. 

Lastly don't warn us that its an advertisement. We know. We really aren't that stupid. 

So if you're an advertiser, or an admin of a roleplay with advertisers under you, or even someone who is just annoyed with some advertisers, please spread the word and make your life a whole lot easier. And hopefully more people want to join your roleplay if you start advertising correctly. 


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erratic 10 years ago
Am I allowed to borrow this? I initially came to your profile to ask you if you were actually looking for a roleplay or two to join, and after I read your profile (and this blog), I'm a little facinated by the way you laid out some of the basic things I wish more people would consider before pasting things on walls. Now, I feel I should futher clarify what kind of roleplays I'm into in my profile so I can stop blocking people. Thank you for sharing this!
MajoraTwilight 11 years ago
Thank you for making this blog.

I've been advertised things I don't like, when I clearly listed things in my profile that I like -__- Gets irritating after awhile. Good reason to check the person's profile if they have one to see what they like/dislike in an rp.

I never got the 'Sorry for taking up your wallspace' stuff either O_O As you said they probably aren't even sorry, so why post that? I'd rather have a short, sweet and to the point ad then a long, ridiculously long one.
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