Tag game? Idk

Tags tag 



rule 1: post the rules

rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones

rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post

rule 4: let them know you've tagged them






tagged by mrbean (8
1) Do you recall why did we end up as friends? How?
- Hmm, I think it's when I rp-ed as Tiffany and you were Kris? o.o Right? 
2) Did it ever crossed your mind that you want to meet me in real life?
- Hmm, yea once but it's like impossible sooooooo 
3) If you were to jump on a building, whose name would you mention?
- Naah I'll probably say YOU AAAAAAALLL LOL
4) What is your favorite Disney movie?
- This is hard, there's a lot :l Toy Story maybe?
5) Any song you dedicate for me?
- You by Lily Allen. ;) Naah kidding. I can't think of one rn, sorry~
6) Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
- I think I'm more of an extrovert? 
7) What's your view with anti-matter?
- Uhh. 
8) The person whom you look up to. (May or may not be an idol, philosopher, personality, etc.)
- Nick Vujicic. It's obvious enough why.
9) What can you say about Nana's armpits?
- I can't say anything bad about it or else mrbean here will kill me. ;_; Uhh, they're.... clean? LOL I DON'T OBSERVE ARMPITS OKAY
10) Have we had an OOC drama? If yes, can you recall what was it?
- I don't think so xD 
11) Which do you prefer.. Religion or state? And why.
- Umm... religion? Idky either :l This is such a vague answer I'm so sorry LOL your questions are really random
MISSNINA's questions : 
1] What's your real personality like? 
2] Do you prefer your social life online or in real life?
3] Would you like to meet me in real? 
4] Selca please!
5] Who would you like to pair up with usually on rpr? 
6] Your real name?
7] Your ideal type? (irl)
8] if you were to choose between a mouse and a guinea pig, which would you choose?
9] What are your interests?
10] What do you think of me? (honestly ._.)
11] Where are you from? 
tagged : mrbean, Roleplayer, Skye_511, --flowers, LuLuLucy, WinterSkies (I know it's not 11 OTL I BROKE THE RULES BUT RULES ARE MEANT TO BE BROKEN SO 8))


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Knightmare 11 years ago
1) /sniffles. Jaejoong. I was Jaejoong ; A ;
5) let's get it on. /shot; slapped; killed. Kidding XD
8) I like him as well. OuO so inspiring, indeed
9) good thing you know.. /crackles my knuckles. Or else. /shot; coughs. Kidding OuO

Mehehe. I shall do this later ;) I'm on mobile still XD
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