rule 1: post the rules
rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones
rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post
rule 4: let them know you've tagged them
1] What's your real personality like?
Ermmm...I do not like to talk much, I am not as crazy and hyped up as I am in rps, oh... I am really really blunt. Like, when you're ugly, I'll tell that straight to your face. That's how blunt I am. And I am an emo (as what a in my class claimed) and I am also a .
2] Do you prefer your social life online or in real life?
....This is hard to choose. But life online.
3] Would you like to meet me in real?
...... I meet you like everyday.
4] Selca please!
5] Who would you like to pair up with usually on rpr?
Urm....Urm... I would refer if its Jungkook, from BTS. But I am actually fine with anyone.
6] Your real name?
7] Your ideal type? (irl)
Tall, musically talented, good-looking, kind, cute, funny, slim legs (yeah....I check those legs first. Not the looks. Heh.)
8] if you were to choose between a mouse and a guinea pig, which would you choose?
A mouse.
9] What are your interests?
Piano, reading, listening to music, fighting with my brother, arts, writing fanfics, fantasy, romance
10] What do you think of me? (honestly ._.)
Hrmm....You're a funny . A really interesting friend. And you're easy to get along with, even if I'm not that good in starting a conversation.
11] Where are you from?
Planet Mato.
I do not really add friends in this acc....So....yeahhhh... I will not tag anyone......yes Im such a loner. Don't judge me.
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