so maybe might "heard" some bad and good things about me in different blogpost.
so yeah.rainbows try to make a blogpost about this girl. who say that i'm a .
and i suggested her to either report to jason and banned me. rather than telling people
about me being a lol. whatever. my heart is already tired and i don't even have a feeling at all.
call me heartless or cold or whatever. but i used to cry when i see someone say something about me.
but i realized that all is just a internet. well i apologize for throwing sacrasm to people. but her post
bashing me. can be banned too. c: haha. okay.
i'm ready to be banned. this might be my last night or something. lol just kidding.
but we'll see. i might be banned. c: but well. i'll try to make account or something. whatever.
kidding. let's see. c:
my life is ending oh god. please don't be surprised about me gone. c:
contact me in aff are always welcome. c:
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