My account is NOT on friends-only so you can still reach me no matter what, and more than likely the bulk of my blog-posts will be public. So I'm here for you if you need me.
But I have 250 friends... and I know that I don't talk to that many people. I want to keep track of my 'friends', not strangers.
If I've never spoken to you before (on roleplays, walls, blogs, etc), chances are you will be removed from my friends list.
I don't remember usernames that well, so if I know you from somewhere, please tell me so before I go on deleting you by accident. Or if you want to make an effort to be friends than also tell me not to delete ^^;
I feel bad because I probably added the bulk of you guys rather than the other way around.
But its becoming hectic to get so many blog post alerts of people I don't know. And if I want to make a friend-only blog post, than I can make one it would actually suit the audience.
I'll be doing the bulk of my cleaning in 16 or 17 hours from now after I sleep and go to classes and stuff, so this gives you guys some heads up. Since I'm bad with usernames. OTL.
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