Hi guys.
So, I don't know if it's just me or everyone else, but somehow I'm in all of the rundown roleplays. And seriously - if I were like some of you and said 'Oh no, I just talk to one person here, I think I'll leave this roleplay' - I think I might be in 4 roleplays by now. Maybe 5 or 6. No more than that.
Okay, my translation is, that most of the roleplays I'm in deserve to be checked out and taken notice of. So please, if you could maybe do me a favor and look at the titles and look what they're about? I'm not urging you to join, I know that that won't help. But I'd love to see some roleplays become more active!
And as most of you should know - the title alone often doesn't say enough to know whether you want to join or not. So please, I would relaly love you to check them out!!
And a small warning - aside from Welcome to the Freakshow and Four Seasons, every single one of the following roleplays will only contain .
So please, I'm not asking you to participate if you don't like them, just please check them out, or at least some of them! That would really help me a lot!!!!
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