guise I'm slipping away. the words hurt. I need help..



this is just some radom blog to get out my feelings


I put up a picture on my facebook of myself
cuz why not
My hair wasn't being a douche muffin today so I took a picture and made it my new profile pic

This is it:


I then made a status that said: "The new pp isn't exactly cute but o well"

I then got a comment saying "ohhhhh so scene omg haha"

here it comes

and a pm saying "sto being so modest just saying lol"


I've worked so hard to become as confident as I am now, and even now I'm not confident at all really... and that just knocked the small, pathetic little wall of confidence I had worked so hard in putting up down like it was nothing.

I'm being told I"m nothing

I"m a try hard

I should just quit while I can and 'leave'


Maybe... I should?

till then I wont be online that often. you can always talk to me on twitter @ChickMcNiglet


I'll go now..


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addiction 11 years ago
Facebook is what easily triggers depression lol. Limit your time on it or don't go on it at all - although that might be difficult because it's an addiction. But then again, they have no right to judge you and try to shift you to a different look on THEIR OWN preference. If they're being a to you, be a sick yet. No respect? No respect for them either.

If you think you're beautiful, be confident about that. Don't give any s to those comments about yourself by those who AREN'T you. Your own view on yourself is much more important than anyone else's views. Their view of you is nothing but bull . If you feel good about yourself, continue with that. The word 'Ugly' hurts - many words hurt, but why give a .
glosspd 11 years ago
*hugs you tightly
Aquaman 11 years ago
Buddy... Modest means that you were thinking low of yourself... They were complimenting you.
Don't leave.
/gives you a thousand pounds of nutella/
HobaeMoonbae 11 years ago
Facebook. Leave Facebook It's not good.
those people too.
Don't worry, STAY confident and BE confident. They are acting like a bunch of pussis, they are obviously no better than you, don't let people like them bring you or your wall down, It's. Not. Worth. Your.Time, you cannot be weaker then the weak, you have to stay strong and prove them wrong, giving up Is not going to help at all, It's just going to put you In a permanent useless box where you can't get out but getting In, they're losers on the Internet anyways, what do they know...bunch of gits who are scared to face the reality console, don't bow down to them, show them who's the boss of yourself, no one can tell you nothing. Cause you are you.

Oh and If you're going to stop coming on RPR.C, just tell me, I'll be understanding, and accept your wishes.
Booxeen_ 11 years ago
I hate when someone post a picture of themself and is like "I'm so ugly :(" but I also hate when someone post a pic of themself and write that they are beautiful or pretty lololol xD
I just doesn't wrote anything at all to my pictures..
only on instagram, but the only thing I write then is "#selca #selfie" xD hahahaha
so I can understand if someone felt annoyed
when you posted a pic of yourself and wrote that... it is not fun to read because u get the feeling that they are fishing for compliments :/
ImHorny 11 years ago
omg you're so cute though ; A ;
niggas be ignant gurl
modesty is actually a great trait to have bby <33
8e479f664a53f1f78864 11 years ago
Modest isn't a bad thing. It means to not knock your own beauty. They were complimenting you.
guccipotaetes 11 years ago
Don't pay attention to what other's say
just love you, you are beautiful no matter what
those people
they hate on you cause they can't be you
Just screw them and live a happy life~
Just let yourself to be happy~
ForeverYearsOfUs 11 years ago
You look so good screw the haters
giribabe 11 years ago
Why don't you love yourself? You worked so hard trying to mold yourself into what you are now...
pizzaisdope 11 years ago
meticulous 11 years ago
No, babe. Let me love you!
/loves you down
lulubutt 11 years ago
nooooooooooooo those people
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