wgm - heartstrings

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And finally we will start our amazing first event "We
got married" congratulations to all the couples. For the
next two weeks you will experience the life of a married
couple, life together and get to do amazing missions o/
and in the end the fastes couple and the best/closes/ most
realistic couple will get a prize, while the looser couple
will have to face a punishment. So always do your best.
And here a short reminder of the rules,
001: use the rooms provided for you to get to know each other,
talk and do the missions.
002: try completing each and all missions.
003: HAVE FUN O/
and now here they are our lovely couples~
P.S: I tried my best in pairing you guys up, so please try your best as well.
If you have any complaints or troubles then please pm one
of the admins.



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                                                           CHORONG & CHANYEOL                                                            


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                                                                     SUZY &    XIUMIN                                                             













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                                                                                                                          TAEYEON & SUHO                                                                    



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                                                                                                                              NAEUN  &    MINHO                                                              








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