
Tags justice roleplay 

I know that everyone is confused. But please, hear me out.

She isn't the head admin. She was never a head admin, she was just asked to create an account on rpr by the head admin.

We didn't leave, she kicked us out behind our backs and deleted comments that had to do with us.

Please, help me return this back to the proper owner. 

If you want proof, message me, and I'll message you. 

This isn't fair.

What Chelsey and I and the others have been working so hard for. I am not doing this for myself, I am doing this for Chelsey, for Belle, for Kyra.

She's claiming to be a head admin and...I just don't know anymore.

I'm so angry, so furious, so shocked at how someone could just brush us off just like that.

The three of us have been here for one and a half years.

We've been taking care of the rp for so long, only to have it taken away from us....

I just want to go hide in a hole. This rp means so, so, so much to me. It's where I met some of the best people in the world and its being taken away.

This isn't a power issue, this is a justice issue.



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wishuponadream 11 years ago
Now I'm so confused ene
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