Damn it

Tags cold 

I have a ing cold, a really bad cold

I look and sound worse when old man

For the past week =.=

And i have a assignment due next week that i didn't get started on because of this stupid cold

Stupid ing cold!

And my BFF is a diva

Very diva-ish diva

And his birthday party is coming up this saturaday

And if i don't go or don't buy him a birthday gif, he will snap at me

Like really snap at me

Like how a girl does to her boyfriend when she's piss

And my mom is snapping at me for no reason =.=

Like complaining about everything she can find that doesn't even relate to me!





*cries and throws pie into everyone's face who reads this*
Don't just sit there you meanie bishes!

*snaps like a chihuahua*



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rentastic_ 11 years ago
*patpat* i'm sure it will get better~ ^^ *wipes my face off the pie* i'm sure you're suppose to eat this *laughs*
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