Those people who were bullying me and telling me to die said that it was okay because they were only 12 and 16.
12 and freakin 16.
At 16 they are almost an adult so I don't even want to dig into how poor their parents must be. Even at 12 it isn't an excuse to pust on someone's wall that they should die. We all learn as young children how to behave, or we should learn it. I remember being young and my mother telling me Thumper's rule: If you can't say something nice then don't say anything at all. I seriously doubt my childhood was that vastly different then theirs or anyone else's in that kind of regard so age is not an excuse.
Right is right and wrong is wrong. Anywhere aboive the age of 8 it should already be well-ingrained how to not be a total . I am sick of people constantly needing excuses for being cruel.
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