My Opinion about Jonghyun's Removal



First of all, what the SME? Kicking out a member from one of the top bands in South Korea just because he expressed his opinion is so cruel. Even though they are under a "slave contract", they should have a right to express what they feel from time to time. Expressing opinions is a part of life.

When you're binded to something, somtimes you want to be a rebel and try to break free. That's exactly what Jonghyun tried to do. He wanted to tell the world that he felt that gay marriage should be legal. He wanted the let the world know his thoughts about this. But what is the outcome? Getting fired.

Even if he doesn get kicked out of SM, I don't mind. Why? Because then he can find a better entertainment to be in. SME Is a great entertainment and all, but they don't care about rights. It's just about getting work done. There's no free time exactly. That's why I'm not so SME-biased anymore. They work the idols too much. A human body can take work to an extent. The idols in SME are using all of their willpower just to keep their job.


In conclusion, I hope SM doesn't kick out Jonghyun from SHINee; even if he does, I don't mind because then he work at a different and better entertainment.


What do you guys think about this?


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MajoraTwilight 10 years ago
I think he can choose to leave or not leave. I may not be a Shinee fan here but Jonghyun has the right to his opinion, we're only fans and he's a grown adult he can say what he wants to say. I love the artists SM produces don't get me wrong, but I cannot stomach how the company controls the idols. I don't support any company really, my main interests are the groups but you get what I mean.

It's their loss though if they do fire Jonghyun. He's really talented so I'm sure another company will pick him right up.
Knightmare 10 years ago
I don't mind him getting kicked out. If there's a contract that he signed in with SME that states his exclusion once he blurt out things that could greatly affect his career, then so be it. A contract is a contract. It's a legal binding - may it be legal or illegal in the eyes of minors, for such, SM could have been shut down by the law if ever for the very beginning. UnU I'm not defending SME or anything, since if that's how they work, then so be it. It wouldn't be their loss nor the artist's but rather from the fans for taking things to the extreme and beyond their bounds.
05eb34c50e33534ff795 10 years ago
Its bull if he does that.
Omg. I swear sometimes entertainments pisses me off.
Shinee isn't the same without their dino.
I would be so mad and just quit being a shawol if he does
friedoreos 10 years ago
it's not confirmed < 3
-effervescent 10 years ago
its stupid. as i told you a while ago, i completely agree with you.
Tigger 10 years ago
Can you explain to me exactly what happened or give me a link? I'm completely confused.
calligraphy 10 years ago
ouo? where did you read this? i wanna read it.
b3d10f98c90fc30d2e45 10 years ago
what was that OPINION about anyways ?
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