//: one year already! messages ♥


So it has been one year since I've joined Roleplay Republic. I remember when I first came on here, I had no idea how to roleplay. I was just that weird little 12 year old who didn't understand a single thing. I swear this site has changed me a lot, and this site had also let me make new friends. For being close to me, I decided to type up messages! These are in no specific order. ^^


--bubbleteafroyo: TWINNEH! ; u ; We text each other a lot, and I'm grateful for that. Heck, you're one of the people that I've texted the most... like ever. O_O LOL Anyways, I love you for you... and possibly even being similar to me-- /shot. But seriously, we were supposed to be twins. I swear. e u e But I love you. I'm glad we met because I don't think I've ever been this close to a roleplayer. Twinneh lahve 5ever ~ cx

-effervescent: Where do I even start? I've seen your face since the day I was born and I guess I'm grateful to have an older sister like you. My friends at school sometimes get jealous that I have a sis like you. You were the one that introduced me to k-pop and so many other things, my love for you can't be expressed through words. I'm glad that I can come to you whenever I'm upset or when I'm depressed. I'm glad I can troll and derp with you outside RPR. (Hey hey hey, awkotaco ver. of Destiny. Whooo~ e u o;)

-effingvescent: You're weird. e u eb And I'm gonna see you in school next year too. E U EB I HAVE NOTHING TO SAY BESIDES THE FACT THAT YOU'RE BELLAR'S BOYFIE AND I HAVE TO SAY SOMETHING SPECIAL. LAKSDJ E U E

-baekon: My unnie. ; u ; < 3 I remember we met over FB Yuanfen and I came searching for you when you had left. Man... that was funny tbh. I was like bugging the Chanyeol on there to give me your AFF and such just so I could talk to you. XD But I'm glad I did that, cause now we talk to each other a lot. Even if we aren't close, you are a good friend of mine. THIS MAKNAE LOVES YOU VEEEERRRRYYY MUCH~! <3

friedoreos: omg omg omg DORO I LOVE YOU. XD We spazz over the weirdest things (and our current obsession: VIXX. XD) But seriously, you are really fun to roleplay with. I remember I met you /andtherestoftheyeojatrolls/ over Summer Flurry, but I had a lot of fun. cx


ilubmonsta: my previous ilub- twin. ; u ; I remember I met you with that greeting. OTL I haven't talked to you in a while. Let's talk sometime?

ilubdorkhyun: UMMAR LOVES YOU. <3 We recently started talking again but I'm really grateful that I met you. I forgot how we did meet, but I remember it was over HBH. You're a really great para roleplayer and I want to roleplay para with you sometime. ; u ; I hope school doesn't devour you up. Again, ummar loves you. c8 <3

Verbatim: I have fun talking to you. We have pretty educational/rant conversations and I'm glad that we can have those types of conversations; sometimes I want to let out my nerd side so I do it with you. I remember I was mean to you for some odd reason but then we became good friends because of finding out that that we were both cancer and 69. e u eb

Kendare: omfg bby. Where the hell have you disappeared? I miss talking to you. ; n ;


DamnDaehyun: Food. That's all I have to say-- /shot. Kidding. We both were food addicted in this one roleplay (I was the crazy Jinyoung) and we just started talking a little bit. Remember, tell me if you find another troll-ing thing. o/

kidleader: I love you. OTL You are so funny and I miss talking to you OOC. < / 3 Talk to me sometime so that we can catch up.

ImHorny: LOLOL I love your username. /shot. Anyways, we haven't talked in a while either. Chat with me sometime?

chinese: GDI THERE IS SO MUCH TO SAY. I love the conversations we have. We met in Celestial and we were just trollin' around in the OOC Room. But we soon started to grow closer and now we're like super close. OTL I'm sorry I haven't been working on Celestial. ; n ;

seraphic: YOU ARE SO RANDOM BBY. I MISS TALKING TO YOU. YOUR LIL BRO MISSES YOU ON IGM. ; n ; btw, do you have the old Changjo's username? e u e I miss that lil .

smeckshiduckunnir: I can't believe you actually went with that username. /facedesks. It was so stupid but I'm glad you loved it. ; a ; < 3 I miss talking to you, Duckie unnir. I remember how we used to chat on chatango a lot. Maybe we should catch up there? IDK But I love you. < 3

BlindEyes: I remember when we had first met. I remember I was a stupid Yoona at that time. u _ u I read our past convo and went like "Man... was I that stupid?" OTL But I love roleplaying with you. I find it really fun. I find it funny that we started talking OOC after I tagged you for that question thingywhatever. I'm glad we're getting closer though; I have fun talking to you. And Henry at that club roleplay... WHY SO CHEESY? OTL /hasasoftspotforcheesiness; kicked.


And I guess that's it. OTL I'm sorry for the lack of thought. I'm doing this off the top of my head after seeing Bella's post. /joinedafewhoursbeforeher. o u ob

If I forgot about you, comment and I'll think of something right away! /ishalfasleeptbh.


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jageun 11 years ago
anonymousdontshootme 11 years ago
/is hurt af.
dui-jjang 11 years ago
/hasn't been around much otl. But hey, I love your face. Always will, twerp <3
4a294d7d7b8280abc8f8 11 years ago
Knightmare 11 years ago
69 makes one UuU /
friedoreos 11 years ago
love you too, bby girl < 3
p.s. you're still too young for kay e v e
what weird things vixx is not weird u - u
summer flurry < 333
d'aww it was fun roleplaying with you too, bby girl o/
love you c;
chinese 11 years ago
jung roohan shall live on, and one day, we will make it
into sm to teach their trolls how to troll. B| i’m very glad
we have gotten so close \ o / and we will only get more
fab once we stop being lazy all the time and debut orz.
teardrop 11 years ago
omfg. i so miss those times when you were still kyungshoe in hbh. we were so random back then <3 especially the day before my birthday. omf— so precious <3 WE SHALL RP AGAIN SOON. ; u ;
4be3db1a62932740ed69 11 years ago
gurl you confused me cx
for your username cxxx
i lub you bby ;; i will reply to you at wall. remember i'm liek really slow lolol.
happy one year < 333
my one year passed and i did nothing otl xD
notljoe 11 years ago
asdfghjkl. happy anniversary twinneh! cx and yeah, we do text a lot! O_O i think it's bad because i mainly text my rp friends and friends that i haven't really met in real life more than my friends at school. xD
i'm glad we met, and i love you for being you too hehe cx < 333333

+ omfg seeing random people (like you and bellar) post about their one year anniversary makes me realize that my one year anniversary was last week. xD
liek w0w
ImHorny 11 years ago
no chatting
DamnDaehyun 11 years ago

Food makes the world go round.
nalgae 11 years ago
U .
aoidjoiasjd i'll get active soon
and unite our /sibling/ trio. orz
i know i'm random. that's what makes me special :'D
sorry n0. otl i can't remember the old changjo's username ashdkjsahdas
-chreasy 11 years ago
you forgot meh ; - ;
but okei. i've been
inactive so people
forgets about mehhh
-effervescent 11 years ago
omfg. ; u ;
i feel loved.
/dances our awk version of destiny
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