My mom just bought 3 phone cases that are also wallets.
One pink, One blue, and one silver...
I wanted the silver and blue one.
Instead she gave me the blue and pink one keeping the prettiest one to herself...
Me: But mom~ I don't like pink. Can we please trade?
Mom: No. Do you honestly think that an old lady like me can carry a pink case around tht says 'YOLO'?
Me: You know I don't like pink. If you didn't like it either than why did you buy it?!?
Mom: /looks taken back; thinks for an excuse/ There was only 3 cases andit was cheap
Me: You lie!!! Its not cheap at all!!! The phone barely almost fits! You can't take pictures from the back!!! YOU CANT EVEN TURN OFF THE PHONE!!!
Mom: /stays silent and ignores me/
Me: UGHHH /storms out of room/
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