I seriously hate my bro right now -.-
he's a dadgum basturd alright!
my mom, dad, and I were just having fun and when I told them that someone has a crush on him...
he suddenly threw a pillow then punch my arm REALLY HARD.
I was like "WTF?! Damn you, dude!"
Mom and dad held my bro tightly to prevent him from causing anymore violence towards me -.-
then my parents are freaking mad at me right now cause i made my bro cry
this ! They always go on my bro's side and I'm sick and tired of it!
that son of a gun should thank me cause i didn't punch his 'handsome' face -.-
I'm sorry for my language. I'm just so mad right now!
Just because I'm older than him, they always put the blame on me? -.-
I'm tired and I had a long day!
Whoopdeingdoo! My first mistake this 2014 -.-
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