Calm the down about this please ~^_^

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This Kim yeoshin is sorta pissing me off, like yes  I'm worried for the safety of the kpop idols 

but come on dont take it to extremes, think rationally 

This article is not mine I just found it and would like to share


I'm sure that some of you by now have seen they posts on tumblr (as well as a bunch of Kpop forums, and even YouTube) about Kim Yeoshin, the so-called "Idol Killer". To be honest, I'm surprised at how many people believed this crap. Starting at the top of the list, we have the claim that she put "diarrhea medicine (I'm going to assume you mean a laxative and not Pepto Bismol), oil, and Benzene" in to Himchan's coffee, causing him to sweat during a concert. First of all, though Benzene does have several harmful, and often deadly effects, they are mostly effects that occur over a long period of time. If the poisoning was truly strong enough for him to be negatively affected, he would be in the hospital pretty quickly. Furthermore, neither Benzene, nor oil dissolve easily in water, so if she put enough Benzene in the coffee to kill him, there's no way he wouldn't have noticed. I'm not sure if the post meant to say she added motor oil, or cooking oil, but the former would be very noticeable (fumes), and the latter would be both noticeable and harmless. One could argue that it was the laxatives that made him sweat, but if you compare this to other live performances, he's not sweating any more then he usually does. He did have an odd moment at the end of the performance, but, judging by the lack of reaction from his bandmates, this was probably planned for as a dramatic ending (they have, after all, had other performances where someone other than Zelo is shot). Do you really think that a group of rookies are going to just carry on while their friend moans in pain on stage?
Moving on to the Yunho incident. Many of you will remember this story from back in 2006. The post seems to have gotten some facts wrong, namely that it was juice that Yunho was given, not coffee, and though he was rushed to the hospital to have his stomach pumped, no seizures were reported. A quick Google search to refresh your memory will tell you that the person responsible for this already turned herself in, and that her surname was Ko/Go, not Kim. Also, if we believe the people claiming that Kim Yeoshin hasn't been arrested because she's minor, and therefore can't be tried as a adult, then that would mean that she was 11 at the time of the incident, which seems unlikely. Even so, Ko was 15 when she committed her crimes, and even she would have faced severe consequences if she hadn't been pardoned by Yunho.
The last examples are supposedly Kim's failed attempts. Since there is no evidence of these claims, there is no reason for me to take them seriously. The fortune teller part is almost laughable; they could have at least made up a name, or some examples of predictions, but I guess they couldn't be bothered. And, of course, the claims about Exo's Sehun only lead me to believe that this whole thing is just an attempt to make Exotics hysteric. Also, the original post supposedly came from Nate, which isn't really what I'd call a reliable website.
As a final note, I would like to say that yes, it is important to spread awareness about sesaengs and the threat they pose to idols. People like Ko do exist, and it's important that idols know the risks of accepting consumables from strangers. HOWEVER, spreading misinformation is not the right way to do this. Gossip posts like this will only get people needlessly worked up, and will direct hatred towards innocent people. Already, an Instagram user with the name Kim Yeoshin is receiving comments on one of her photos, and, looking at the reactions of some people in the Kpop community, I wouldn't be surprised if these comments turned into harassment.
tl;dr Think critically about things you see online


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MajoraTwilight 11 years ago
It's starting to annoy me as well -__- The more I thought about it it just didn't make any sense what so ever. And this girl isn't the same girl, who tried to poison Yunho either. From what I looked up her surname was 'Go' and not 'Kim' so that should be a dead give a way for fans. I hope this teaches every fan a lesson, to not believe something right away without looking things up first. I know I can be naive at times to, but not this naive.
ExoticM 11 years ago
yeah i shared this post on my other account but i just wanted to know if its true or not
and then i found out and posted that its face
the story has too many holes in it
Januaryxoxo 11 years ago
o.o What's going on? I lost touch of anything kpop related for the past weeks because of school
--Urbanize 11 years ago
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