Admin Search (UPDATE)

Tags admins roleplay 

UPDATE: There are now two admin slots left.


     As you can see, I'm currently looking for admins that will help me out with a roleplay that hasn't yet been created. And I'm not really asking for much, but I will say that if you are interested, just know that I will have you working. What's the point of having an admin if they won't be doing anything?

     Anyway. For this task, I have created character backgrounds and selected personality types for the kind of characters I would my fellow admins to have, also saving them from having to come up with all this stuff while still leaving room for modification. The personality types I have chosen are from the whole Myers-Briggs personality thing, so do use those for reference if you happen to need them.


Character Information


ADMIN W: the parent

• notes: preferably someone that is twenty-five or older in actual age and female (e.g. Gain from B.E.G *hinthint*); ISFJ personality type.

Basic Background and Personality Infomation: WWW has been around AAA and BBB since they were younger teens and met XXXYYY, and ZZZ later on in life; being the older and more experienced of the group, WWW became similar to a parental figure, watching over the younger ones and ensuring their safety all the while still handling her own business, and despite her young age, it just all came naturally. WWW officially started work around the age of five, only working with the little jobs and handling money until about age eight, when the going first got tough. Even though she wanted to ask questions and whine or complain, even though it violated everything she was taught to believe in before getting caught up in this lifestyle, she chose living in fear over the unknown consequences of questioning things. Once everyone else came into the picture, WWW developed a better understanding for the kind of people and things involved in their life and hardly harbored any ill feelings toward those that have done wrong (partially because they knew how to use WWW).

Being an ISFJ, WWW is naturally warm, friendly, affirming, service-oriented, and naturally a good listener. WWW is also more inclined to put in tons of effort into her work and obligations, is pretty darn good at organizing, taking care of practical matters, and handling money, and WWW will most likely take any commitments very seriously. Unfortunatley, WWW will tend to spend more time on the needs of others than her own needs, and may even have difficulty expressing these needs (often leading to pent-up frustration). WWW will have a strong dislike for personal criticism or conflict in general, and also may have preoblems leaving or getting over (bad) relationships because of her altruistic and forgiving nature. She is the type of person that is also more able to remember certain things about people (likes, dslikes, disabilties, etc.), yet she still is human and can forget every now and then. If you are interested in this character, comment below by putting something about you being interestend in Admin W.


ADMIN Z: the daredevil

• notes: preferably someone that is of the ages twenty-three or twenty-four and male (e.g. Jonghyun from SHINee *coughcough*); ISTP personality type.

Basic Background and Personality Information: A bit cocky and sometimes a little arrogant, ZZZ is just your average, bummy, hardly workin' hard worker. ZZZ doesn't really consider his life bad when he looks back on it. Sure, he's had some unfortunate occurrences, but he only believes them to be just that, even though from the outside, it seems like it was much worse than that. One could tell that something has deeply traumatized and affected ZZZ. There are certain things that ZZZ won't talk about and avoid, other things he won't let you do to him or say about him, and many things he does that shows the inner fear hiding beneath the collected facade he puts up, sometimes affecting the way he performs on the job and sabotaging his reputation and work ethic. If he reamins unwilling to speak up about this issue, or move past it, he may just stay in this state of mind or stumble into another, much worse, one. Though, when life isn't so bad, he's the one WWW can go to and rely on for leadership, and the one that keeps everyone together and happy.

–Personality Information


○ Great listener, and respectful of other's needs for space and privacy.

○ Usually self-confident, optimistic, and fun to be around.

○ Practical, realistic, and handles daily concerns.

○ Not threatened by conflict or criticism.

○ Able to leave relationships fairly easily when they are over and administer punishment whether interested in doing so or not.


○ Lives entirely in the present, having difficulty with long-term commitments.

○ Not naturally good at sharing feelings and emotions, and not in tune with them either, seeming or actually being insensitive at times.

○ Overly private and holds back often.

○ Needs a lot of personal space, which they don't like to have invaded.

○ Thrives on action and excitement, and may even stir things up to create it

• If you feel like this character beongs to you, ask for Admin Z in the comments section below.



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4676779 10 years ago
This is extremely intriguing and although it sounds tempting; I don't think I can stoop over the idealizations you seem to already have especially hinting already a faceclaim you wish the user has play. Good luck though, I'll look out for the roleplay whenever you do release it.
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