Help STOP SOPA 2014!

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This is not a drill.

All fanart will be deleted, all fan-pages, fanfics, fan made videos, etc..,will be banned if SOPA can not be stopped.

No matter what fandom we each are in.

This is the time when we need to stand up together and fight for something that we enjoy.

Help us spread awareness so we won't lose a beloved site that we enjoy in our pass times.

Not only that, the creator of AFF worked hard for us to be happy and to live the memories of his late girlfriend. Imagine heart broken like that.

If you have both a mind, heart, soul and of course body.

Please sign this petition.

If you have a lot of karma advertise such blogs like this to fully aware everyone.

What's use in keeping them if we lose and all of these just disappear?

I had advertise my blog as well but a lot are out bidding me and I am just crossing my fingers.

The amount of signatures needed is 100k. And we are barely reaching the half of 60k.

The deadline is in 3/2 days; March 19, 2014.

We only have limited time but if we all help, we will come through this.

The future is not just in my hands and yours.

It's in ours.


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