Somewhat of a Interview on this Roleplay


This blog post is kind of like a self-interview kind of thing to help people better understand the roleplay I've recently opened and my motives behind it. I guess you could say it serves as some sort of advertisement, but I'm still in the process of creatin a proper advertisement for the roleplay itself. If anyone is reading this, I hope this helps you and I hope I on't bore you to death.


Question #1: What is the roleplay's title, where did you get it from, and why is that relevant?
        So, the roleplay's title is "Urban Opportunities": I got that idea from the thought of this place, heavily affected by ion of many kinds, it changes in a way that most people there can't describe properly, and with that change came opportunities to change what we'll call their fate. The es will either feel comfy and cozy in some way with the way their life currently is and keep it the same or at least similar to it, or they will try to get out of this lifestyle as soon as they can to better their lives. It all really depends on the roleplayer and their character. I feel like having this title and the idea that comes with it, it creates some kind of background and objective for the roleplay, so I guess you could say that is why I feel it s relevant. Though, titles are always subject to change.
Question #2: Knowing that the roleplay has ion as one of its main components, what are other possible themes of the roleplay?
         The theme of the roleplay, since it is an alternate universe roleplay, would depend on the kind of event I plan to have in place. I like the idea of variety, so this is like a compromise of some sorts. That being said, the participants and admins alike will undergo sci-fi themes for sure, possibly some action, angst, romance, post-apocalyptic kind of themes thrown in too. I'm not so sure all of this will actually happen, but I do want it to, especially since I think it might be fun for more people besides myself.
Question #3: What kind of roleplayers do you plan to attract with this roleplay?
        Well, I'm really welcoming anyone that shows interest in the roleplay a chance to roleplay here. The main audience, in terms of writing style, would be fans of para roleplaying really. I, myself, am a multi para/ novella roleplayer, but I did give the option of writing script style on walls, because I can get lazy and I know not everyone likes paragraphs. I also wanted a more diverse environment with characters of different ual interests, roleplayers with different interests, and characters from around the world, not just kpop, kpop, and kpop. 
Question #4: What other things should one know about joining or participating in your roleplay?
         Just that as far as limits go, all I don't necessarily allow is mpreg or killing. I might revoke the killing part of the rule, because events might change that, but the part about mpreg won' change, so sorry if you don't like that. Anyway, character wise, you can have a blind assassin for a character and I wouldn't mind. Celebrity characters are also allowed. There isn't much that I ask for about this; I just want people to be a little creative with their characters.
        One other thing I've implemented into my roleplay is MBTI personality typing. I, personally, find them fascinating, and I thought it also might help with characterization and saving time. With this included, people won't really have to take much time coming up with personalities, and doing this could even help with background information. Just a simple way to get people more interested in their own characers and get to know them better. 
Question #5: If the roleplay becomes big and popular amongst roleplayers, what would you do and how would you feel?
        That, I don't know. I hope it gets popular enough to where participants always have at least one person to plot with, but I fear that if it gets super big, I won't be able to handle it. I honestly don't know how to properly answer this question. Forgive me, guys. 'Tis a shame I can't answer my own question.
Question #6: Is there anything that you would like to say to anyone that might read this and apply?
       Well, uh, first, I thank anyone that has read this or skimmed it, if someone reads or skims it. I'm sorry for all of the paragraphs and I'm sorry to any of my friends that feel bothered by my blog posts (though I don't post often). Secondly, if anyone that saw this happens to apply for the roleplay, I'd like to thank and welcome you as well. I apologize for the absence of a proper advertisement and for any typos that you may find. Sometimes I type way too fast and think even faster. But anyway, um, I guess that's all for now. I'm sure I've done a lot of talking by now.
Thank you for your time and the time it took to read this!


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