Overview of Beach Trip

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Continuing on from the Rant post I made earlier....

I let my worries get the best of me, because I actually had a good time.


Knowing only a few of the seniors, I didn't have any problems with the ones I don't know. We sort of just did our own things and never bothered each other.

Apparently, the Event Management students were organising the whole thing, so all Tara and I had to do (as club representatives) was observe and comment on the event. I'm pretty sure the only thing I observed was the sea. And half- people. And no, I didn't touch any butts. None of 'em were nice enough anyway. I like round, firm ones. Like Chen's. And Tao's! Have you seen that guy's derier? Like, . Unf. lmaowhut. 


During the trip, we had to take part in this Explorace game on the beach and some of the tasks we had to complete were ridiculous. Like, for example, we had to fill up an empty bottle to the brim with seawater using ONLY OUR MOUTHS. We were also forced to eat whole cloves of garlic and finish a sandwich that they had filled with fruit jelly, mayonnaise, butter, sauteed shallots and other stuff that you're just not supposed to put in sandwiches. I almost vomited. The sandwich smelled like a garbage dump. I'm not even exaggerating. You could vomit by just smelling it! I couldn't finish it. Took a bite and stopped chewing for a whole 2-3 minutes before I just swallowed the ing thing. Thank goodness one of my team members was nice enough to finish the rest of my garbage dump sandwich. //cries tears of gratitude (Thank you, I owe you dude.) 



We went swimming in the sea! It was awesome. One of the seniors looked like he came out of Baywatch. Haha.

Some got stung by jellyfish. I got a foot cramp. My roommate got scared of water. 


So.....What did I get from participating in this trip? 

A tan.

Sand in my shoes.

Salt-crystal piercings. Lol no jk. 

A heavier bag than when I first came.

Tonnes of photos. (Which are mostly in my roommates' phones)

FOOD. GRILLED SEAFOOD. (Though I didn't eat much.)

New friends. 



To end this post, here is a short video and some photos I took at the beach. I mean, come on. Don't tell me ya'll weren't expecting any beach photos? Lol. Of course not. But here they are.  




(I replaced the audio with some background music because I am sure ya'll wouldn't wanna hear my roommates forcing me to go for a swim. Haha. Personally, I would've liked to listen to the sound of the waves but there was too much irrelevant babbling in this. )


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Tactics 10 years ago
Holy that place looks amazing.
So jelly.
It's good that you had fun haha :)
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