Fangirl ramblings


After one week, I finally forced myself to watch Fly to the Sky comeback.


My first thoughts

My second thought was

"Did Hwanhee get plastic surgery yet again." This man has changed his face so much


But still THEY CAME BACK. I never thought they would

It's not their strongest single, but dear lawd they're back!


I'm an extreme Crystal Kay stan. I can watch this woman sing the ABCs and declare it better than Beyonce.I think I might be the only one of her fans who like this song

It's elementary, sure, but damn it it gets stuck in my head. I notice a lot of people always say she should go back to doing R&B

I admit r&b is probably her calling and she had quite a few r"&b songs. Dear God, the middle 8 section of Think of U is so freaking beautiful, it's not evn funny

(Man, I always forget how young she was when she started)

And Hard to Say has been my jam for nearly a decade

(And that makes me feel old.)

But I love that she does different genre since she has a voice that can fit different genres and that's pretty rare

I'm so jealous of how beautiful she is too


And I'm so proud she finally learned how to dance

And forever wish for a full offical version of this colab

Plus we know she slays at ballads and singing live

(I think that's my favorite live of hers because of the backstory. She was late leaving school coming to the concert xD)

Even though it had the most ridiculous lyrics ever. Is it some type of social justice love song? Idk.

Back on my rant, I honestly think she wants to do Pop songs. She clearly have fun with her career and it seems she does what she wants (despite fans objections and me wishing she'd stop doing her nails and go sing something)

Since it's been a while since I've did my Junsu fangirling.

Can I get him to sing that to me just once? Please, please, please? Onegai? His voice -melts-

I always felt like this is his most quintessential song. He may not be the most technical vocalist but his lives

So full of emotion I'm just like

He can sing the off me and I wouldn't care

I pray in my next life I can be reincarnated as one of his back up dancers.

Because really, dat

But seriously, where can I apply to be his back up dancer? I'll take dance classes and everything just to get a whiff of him


Damn I sound thirsty


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