Hiatus explained & MET IDOLS IN RL >READ


So hai you guys~ I explain my hiatus and something else in this post, so please read all the way through XD I know that I see stuff like this happen to ppl but I never see any accounts on what happened by the person so, I'm going to share it with you all~ I hope you enjoy and don't get TOO jealous~


So if you roleplay with me a lot, you probably should have noticed my too normal but longer hiatus than usual this week. Well I've been on vacation and still am but want to post this to explain things. I'm in DC right now and have been since technically Saturday. I'm up here visiting my uncles. I've been staying with them and it's been a blast. They are completely different than my parents but I like them. Especially my new uncle XD Anyways, you all don't care about a family vacation. Down to the real stuff.

As the Kpoppers that you are, DC and this week should ring a bell. No other than the fabulous Block B had their DC concert on Tuesday XD Coincidence? Yes actually, but no. As soon as I found out about it being the week I was going to be there, I asked immediately and to my surprise, I was on my way to going to my first Kpop concert! I've been preparing for this since I ordered the tickets. I made a Block B binder containing member info, song lyrics/trans, etc. I seemed crazy to my parents and boyfriend for sure but I didn't want to leave any stone uncovered and I didn't want to regret not knowing anything before I went. I only listened to BB, watched all their shows (with subs) and did a 30 day challenge in 13 days XD I wanted to be ready. My bias changed like 500 times and now it's almost worse XD

The concert got closer and closer and before I knew it, I was on the metro in DC with my hair like Zico going to the concert. I am still not over the fact of what happened Tuesday. It was all a dream. That's all I can figure. None of this stuff ever happens to me.  I was pretty crazy by this week for sure and I know I was always talking about Block B. I was more than ready just to rock out to them. After about an hour in line, I got inside the BEAUTIFUL Warner Theater it was at. I purchased about all the merchandise haha. Soon enough I was in my seat when the lights dimmed and "Interlude" started playing as the curtain rose with the crowd (and me) screaming with lightsticks pulsing. I still didn't believe it was happening. The lights came on and I could see them, not in 320, not in 480, not in 1080 but in real life. It took until about 5 songs in to convince myself, this is in fact happening. They were so good. Each song was done like I was just listening to my iPod, with perfection. Through fancams after I can tell they weren't perfect, but in the moment it was.

Fan events happened and I didn't think anything about it. The first one was to be serenaded by the members to the song "Romantically". It was so cute. Those fans were so lucky. When the second event was being talked about, I was talking to a event staff lol. I didn't know what was going on but then I heard the MC call out "Row LL Seat 10", my seat. I looked up quickly and had to process it. Me, my seat, called? I ran down to the stage with the ushers. They were joking around a bit and I was just floating. It didn't hit me at all as I walked up on stage and was talking to BBomb. He didn't call my number but the MC kept telling me to go to him. I didn't know who called me. I stood next to him and he smiled and showed me the sheet of paper but it was like "Row A Seat 3". I apologized and smiled before TRYING to figure out who had called me. After making the MC and members a bit confused, I found my way to Kyung, the one who called me. It really didn't hit me until I glanced between Kyung Taeil and Ukwon.... I was really standing next to Block B and they are talking to me. They are RIGHT THERE. They looked beautiful up close. Their skin is no joke. BBomb Jaehyo and UKwon are VERY handsome up close. Cameras don't do them justice. Especially BBomb. Zico, P.O, and Taeil look exactly like the do on tv in pics actually. Of course they look a little different but really not much. Kyung was the one that looked different. He was nice though, just not like Nillili Mambo look to him. I guess he just seems to have a smaller face with bangs down and smiling than not with his hair up. Kyung made small talk with me as the MC talked. He asked me like if I was from Washington and how long it took to get there. I was surprised by his English really. The game was the charade game and there were two teams, Ukwon Taeil and Kyung, against Jaehyo BBomb and PO. Zico was the ref. The first challenge was to come up with a team name and our's was.... (totally Kyung's idea) Team Turn Up lol. 

The other team was first so we just stood in the back and made small talk. The members kept talking to one another and I mainly just watched them. However, I got to mess with Taeil some XD. His girl was laughing and I leaned over asking why and she pointed out that he was sneaking up behing Zico trying to look at the notepad with the words on it. He came back  over to us but leaned over again to get one last look and I said "Taeeiiil~" and he straightened up and looked at me with the most doe eyed innocent expression and said "Whaat?". After, he quickly smiled shyly, caught, and adjusted his shirt. He has the most aegyo ever. He is so adorable. Also at some point in the game, I was just looking over the stage and the other team when P.O caught my eye. He was at the front of the other line and he was staring at me. When he noticed I was looking back he did a goofy, derpy P.O smile and waved. (Gah, did he like me or something?!?!) It was soo cute. He also did a normal adorableness explosion when the team names were announced. He like ran around stage ahjumma style pointing cutely. It was just normal P.O XD

Our turn came and I was worried. I have never played this but I wanted to do well. Kyung was behind me and Taeil was infront. I eventually felt a tap and turned around to watch Kyung act it out... I STILL don't know what he was doing.... He was doing some Olympic ice skater stuff and did like a pose... I didn't get it... I thought it was ice skating or something (close but no). He practically spun me around to do it to Taeil without me having a clue or getting another hint, so I just copied what he did. I thought maybe Taeil would understand. I acted it out exactly like Kyung did and... Taeil looked so adorably confused... omg. He was clueless. He had me do it twice which I didn't know what I was doing the first time lol. The only way his girl and the end got FROZEN FROM ALL OF THAT was because cheater UKwon started singing "Let It Go" XD The other team won but that's fine by me. I didn't mean to mess it up, Ukwon should have been last to go. Anyways I still got to talk to Kyung and thank him. I messed with him some for not being able to get it and he smiled and apologized. As we were leaving the stage, he offered a handshake but I wasn't in position to give one back really so he just dropped it and held his arms out for a hug. Time slowed luckily as I hugged him. It was nice really. Watching videos, it wasn't long at all but it felt so long to me XD 

The rest of the concert and the hi-touch was amazing. I ended up doing the hi-touch event by upgrading my ticket and getting to touch all of them! (And their indirectly ;) ) The order was Jaehyo, Taeil, P.O, Kyung, UKwon, BBomb, Zico. I had my mind most of the way through with UKwon being later on! Jaehyo had a nice gaze being first and we had the longest eye contact. He is such an ulzzang, he is so pretty up close. BUT P.O derped so hard when I high fived him haha. He was doing this weird stare thing where he was leaning back and narrowing his eyes at me. I laughed so hard I didn't really pay TOO much attention to high fiving Kyung XD. Kyung smiled at me, probably remembering me. I planned to at least say "Saranghaeyo" to UKwon (my bias) but I high fived too fast so it lasted to BBomb so I don't know who they though it was for XD Zico did this smile nod thing too that was nice. The rest were smiling and I don't remember their gazes too much. I don't really remember BBomb at all... just a little bit. 

The music was great and the fans were amazing. I really think BBC's are some of the best fans. Everyone was talking to me after the concert since they remembered my Zico hair on stage. I got to meet a group of them afterwards and they were awesome. They were asking me to touch them since I touched BB XD. They were really cool and I'm going to try to keep talking to them! I felt bad cuz one of them was Kyung biased... lol. I really felt at home with other BBC's as we got along and joked around about the boys and other things. It was the best experience I could've asked for. I hadn't dreamed of that happening. I thought I was just going to get to enjoy the music and that's it. I didn't know I was going to get to meet and touch them since I had only bought the far away tickets that had no member interaction. Instead I got to have little memories with almost all the members (besides Zico and Jaehyo, which I only got to see and give them a high 5). It was in fact, a dream come true.


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DoctorKimKai 10 years ago
Woah, you're so lucky baby~
-adorkable 10 years ago
Ah lucky~ cx at least you got to have the experience of a lifetime :D Ah I could just imagine P.O doing all those derp faces~ cx he's too adorable♥♥♥
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