divinity hotel.
Welcome to divinity hotel, the one and only hotel designed and built specifically for your pleasure. with 5 floors with nonstop luxuries, everything from five-star cuisine to the y, fun nightlife, this hotel harbors anything and everything you could possibly want and need. the employees at this establishment are always at the beck and call of the guests, who are treated like royalty while they stay here. whether you want to please the guests or be pleased by one of our fine employees, join this au, 3rd pov para roleplay today for endless relaxation, pleasure, and the getaway we all need from the world around us.
07/01 -- roleplay officially opened! rooms are still being created and arranged, but we are officially accepting applications!
mm/dd -- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin non cursus orci. Vivamus id arcu eu nisl tincidunt lacinia. Donec fringilla volutpat ultrices.
mm/dd -- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin non cursus orci. Vivamus id arcu eu nisl tincidunt lacinia. Donec fringilla volutpat ultrices.
officially opened on 07/01/14
total population: 03
rating: mature
founded by
genres: 3rd pov, & au
![admin name.](http://i.imgur.com/U5Z6HIr.jpg)
![admin name.](http://i.imgur.com/U5Z6HIr.jpg)
![admin name.](http://i.imgur.com/U5Z6HIr.jpg)
newest roleplayers
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