Do not bull people.

Status [M]

I don't care who you are or how much better you think you are then someone else, don't bull them.
Be real with everyone. 
If you don't like someone, there is a polite, but real, way to say it.
But don't act like everythings perfectly ing fine when it isn't.
Don't go behind their back and talk them just because you don't have the balls to tell them to their faces that you don't like them.
And don't about how annoying they are to other people, just because you haven't told them they're being annoying so they don't know??

I guarantee if you tell someone if they are annoying you, they will ing stop.
Don't be just because you're on the internet and you think you can.

It's so sad to see people doing this to other people, and I've had people talk to me about someone else.
But, if they're annoying you, you need to tell them. Otherwise, they won't realize that what they're doing is annoying and then when word gets back to them that people are talking bad about them, it's going to hurt them.
And if that's what you want, then you're one of the tiest people imaginable and you should be ashamed of yourself.

And to those people that have had this happen to them, have had people talk them behind their backs and they didn't even realize they were doing anything wrong, you didn't.
Trust me, the person that did that to you was the one that ed up and they're the ones that can't be real with you so 'em.
You'll make better friends, anyways.
Don't feel bad about yourself because someone else doesn't know how to be decent or real.



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artwork-- 9 years ago
im a stranger
and bless this post
mangos 9 years ago
this is yes all over.
unsilenced 9 years ago
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