Shamelessly advertising my roleplay help blog because this is a roleplay site.

Tags roleplay 

Whoo! Minah-themed blog because that was the last hunt I posted.

Okay so, if you didn't know before, I run a rph on tumblr and that's why I'm sometimes not very active here.  On tumblr, you can find me doing GIF hunts for roleplaying purposes. I do requests and such, but I also do freebies.

This is pretty much the perfect site to advertise my rph on because the majority  of rpers on here only rp as Asian idols and I only do Asian celebrities.

So, I'll post the link below and you guys can follow me and request something from me via ask if you want. I update it pretty regularly, trying to post at least 1 hunt a day. Sometimes I do more than one a day, it just depends. 

Anyways, follow & request from me it's greatly appreciated!

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