I am so freaking amused...

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I'm not going to lie. I mean, it's my blog and I want to get this out of my system already. Apparently, I added a friend on here which wasn't a bad idea (at first), but I guess, in all honestly, I should just delete them. Their blog updates obviously are going to show in my notifications thing because I like to read my friends' blogs. Hence I keep the notifications on in my settings for it. You learn a lot from a person's profile and their blogs and such, mainly if you don't personally rp with them. Or even if you do, to be quite honest.

Anyway, this is just a mini rant because every time I read their blog, just because I think it might be interesting, I'm let down by the ignorance that is presented. It's so sad that it's amusing. I mean, everyone has their opinions and personalities and such but really don't be so incredibly one-tracked and self-centered. It's a shame, okay? It embarrasses you in particular. There are just some thing you do and don't do, especially on the web. Just be smart.  It was amusing at first but it's really getting to be a shame. Please, get. it. together. And before it's too late...


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IGOTBamSon 10 years ago
I'm really sorry if it's me. I know I made a huge mistake. And I'm really sorry for it.
wufapp 10 years ago
I try not to be too set on one idea. I usually am open-minded. The one thing I'm not open minded on is Park Bom... Meh. Ill reply when I get to school I'm at the bus now!
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