

I came home from a school today and was told my cat died today. I don't really know what to say, I feel choked up and freezing and 


I don't know

i don't understand 

maybe I will eventually but for right now 

I don't know


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--Tszuj 10 years ago
I know how you feel...
The other year I came back from fun in London to be told my mums cat got put down...
I have MY cat but that cat was with us for over 9 years...

You'll be fine soon~ Just don't think too much about the past. Animals live shorter lives that us...its just the way things work :S
DoctorKimKai 10 years ago
Poor you, little one.
Dont think about it too much, okay?
It's just.. Natural circle of life and we can't stop this process.
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