
Horaaay it's been over a month since I got here
lolololol /shoots fireworks
okay nothing I just wanted to make a blog/post whatever but will anybody read this anyway?? pfft doesnt matter 
I still have a couple of things to learn about RPing though like how to code and edit profiles and stuff
/cries mathematical tears
but yeaah and what is a pm roleplay...I wanted to try it but idk haha 
anyway, thanks for my new ooc friend elmeyy!! hehe rockin the ooc and ic world with chuu! 
that's it.. hit me up if you wanna talk too! kk that's all! 
/shoots sarangs


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Centuries 10 years ago
PM RP is where u basically plan out a plot with someone with any pairing or character or genre etc, and then you rp in your main account's private messaging/inbox ouo

welcome to RPR dear~
flanteisse 10 years ago
I read this~~
RPR is pretty imilar with aff so if you ever used aff, I'm pretty sure you can use rpr easily~
oh, pm rp?
it's rping through pm~
you can choose anything you want and plot with your partner, then rp through pm in your own account, not the characters..
Do you get it..?
sowwy if my English is a bit hard to understand bcuz it's not ma first language..
so I can't really explain it so well..
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