hyungseok profile.

Tags superlame 


      ♕ -- Prince Hyungseok.


okay okay what the hell ._.



"okay well to start off guys

I am not that fancy.

or too good looking. I'm gorgeous/shot/

but, er,

I'll try my best to sound as impressive as I can. "

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but, first...



lemme take a selfie


kay done.owo *save*


ღ sometimes it does get a bit cold when it rains here. maybe a little lonesome too... --Hyungseok


Hyungseok was born in a small korean village in Busan and grew up there until he reached his highchool years. Up until that point, he's been raised very traditionally and being a homoual was something that took his parents quite some time to ponder about. Though, they still struggle to deal with it and arguments do come up here and there. they respect his decision at the end of the day as long as he's safe and happy. As time passed on, Hyungseok moved out of the village kissing the old market, his parents and even a boy he liked -- good bye. He wishes to one day find true love and not someone that will use him. Hyungseok sometimes falls a bit too easily and is a er for a man who dresses well and has charm but, he resists as much as possible. He can also be very awkward at times-- dorky, weird ,stubborn and sometimes too overprotective but, that's why a lot of his friends love him.


b a s i c     i n f o r m a t i o n.


s i n g l e  &  f o r e v e r  a l o n e

h o m o - u a l

s e k e

1 8  y e a r s  o f  a g e





1.) Hyungseok plays the guitar and ukelele and plays for the public for money when he first moves to Seoul because he struggles for money to pay rent, food, etc... Also, he's not to used to everything yet as far as living in a big busy city. This is where you will discover him and he'll start playing a song that you enjoy and you decide to get to know him a bit more? Will you help him out? open. spots (0/2) preferably in 3rd but open in the 1st pov.


2,) You live in an apartment with Hyungseok is in a really bad point in his life. He just came back from visiting his parents in his home village in Busan and he's sitting on the stairs of the inner entrance and he's crying and is contemplating of whether or not he should do something a bit drastic. strictly for 3rd pov. (spots o/2)


3.) Hyungseok has a part time job at the mall and works at American Eagle. You are his best friend, crack buddy and co-worker in the store. 1st and 3rd pov. (unlimited spots)


4.) You're the childhood friend Hyungseok fell in love with back in the small village he used to live in Busan. You guys lost touch after Hyungseok left for Seoul and one day, Hyungseok decides to return to the old village for old feelings, to reunite with family...and he runs into you. 3rd pov (closed)


leave me a gift on your way out...?

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hanahana 10 years ago
oooh i wanna do 1
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