I don't know what to do
Literally right now I am caught between a rock and a hard place.
All of my friends want me to ask this boy I really like out
Like they are all egging me on to do it
and trust me I want to
but I have always been far too chicken to do just that
so here I am trying to figure out what I'm going to do
I mean if I don't do it either I lose my chance of confidence or my friends embarrass me by asking for me
There is no doubt what I should do
but the fear of rejection is bright in my mind
And I can't seem to shake that fear....
How in the world is asking him to a darn dance or to come watch me perform with flag corp easier?
I can easily do those
but then the real question everyone wants to have asked
and I am scared and don't know what or how to do it
I am such a mess today over this....
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